Greetings this evening of your time as you create time. How are you all? [Great!] Alright.
Allow me to begin this interaction with the title, “The Assigners of Meaning”, and understand before we proceed that you each and every one of you are the assigners of meaning in your reality.
Allow us to explain and apply this in several areas.
We have many times discussed, and perhaps those of you who have not participated in this interaction have heard the notion before, that:
All situations, all events are, shall we say, a neutral set of props which contain no built-in meaning. You assign that meaning, therefore you are the assigners of meaning.
The meaning that you assign determines the effect that you get out — perhaps you can say prior to the assignment of that meaning, alright, perhaps you can say life is truly meaningless. But then you assign the meaning and, again, the tone with which you assign that meaning determines the effect that you get out, the experience that you get out from that particular instance.
So therefore, given any neutral situation that occurs in your life, if you apply and assign a negative meaning, you in general will then receive a negative effect. If you take same situation, same parameters in place and assign a positive meaning by, perhaps, asking “how this serves” me rather than “is happening to me”, you then, from the very same set of neutral props, get a positive response, a positive result.
Therefore, you truly do create your own reality, and you truly do set down the tone for doing so through your assignment of meaning, through your choice of definitions, how you define your reality to be.
One of the definitions that very often individuals will apply to their reality is that changing yourself must be a complex process. Now we understand that your consciousness and your reality is rich and full of complexity and diversity, but the living of the actual life, the making of the actual changes, are actually quite simple.
So therefore, your definition that change is difficult has you acting differently than if you assume change is simple. And it is ultimately those actions that you perform from the assignment of the meaning that, shall we say, delivers the physical effect in your physical life.
So it is always up to you. If you do decide that things are quite complicated, to understand that you have assigned that meaning and that are you to assign the meaning of simplicity in action, you can then perhaps approach the situation from a slightly different angle and perform the actions that reflect your willingness to see the simplicity of how it can be in your life to change.
For change once again is a neutral idea, it is a constant in your reality.
Then, again, the assignment that it must be a ‘complex series of steps or processes’ then has you acting in a way where you, shall we say, seek out those processes and will only allow yourself to truly validate a change if there is first a process so that you can perhaps have worked ‘to earn it’.
But understand, that the moment you decide to change that decision is a statement. That decision allows you to express that change from that moment forward.
Another meaning that you sometimes will assign, perhaps can be illustrated by the following analogy, and we have used this sometimes before:
If you have a cube and all sides of that cube are painted a particular color and you, in that sense, change or paint one side a slightly different color — two different ways to look at that one same neutral cube are as follows:
Number one, same cube, slightly different change. Same cube, different face.
But another way, no less valid, that one can assign or interpret it, is now that it is an entirely different cube, by definition.
Now if you reflect on this a moment, it is obvious that both ideas are true and it is simply a matter of which you assign it, how you choose to look at it. The effect you get, perhaps even in the cube example or analogy, will be determined by that assignment of meaning.
If you in that sense assign “it's just the same cube with a slightly different side”, then your attitude toward that cube will reflect that and you will get the effect of it being just the same cube.
But should you understand it to be an entirely different cube now and, perhaps, gear your attitude and assignment toward the differences in seeking and finding what those differences are, your experience of, again, the same exact cube, can now be fresh, can now be fascinating, can now be as if it is anew simply because you have chosen to look at it that way.
And this, by extension, can also be applied to your life, to your reality. For if you make one minor little change you can choose to look at it as ‘same old boring life with a little tiny change’ or ‘entirely different reality, entirely different scenario and set of events’. For once anything has changed, it has all changed and it is up to you in how you will choose to look at it.
If you should choose to believe that it is simple to change your reality, if you should in that sense utilize any change as a grand and sweeping change across the entire reality, you can then reap the benefits of that change in accelerated timing, very quickly as you say.
And, again, should you assign when making any change within yourself that it has all changed, your actions would differ from the actions that you would assume if you believed it was just a different, slightly different change, in the same old life.
8 If you believed it to be, again, same life, slight change, you would then be looking for the similarities in the new changed reality, as the old reality, and perhaps then say, “See, I told you it didn't change.” But then how could you have experienced it as a change when all you did in that instance was assign that it was really a very little change?
However, should you decide that fundamentally any change is a change across the board, that has you then looking and seeking to see the differences rather than the similarities. You can either allow the similarities to validate the lack of change, or you can be very active in seeking out the differences to validate the change. Same set of circumstances, different assignments, entirely different effects.
Therefore you are always, in that sense, able to be active in the assignment of meaning in your reality for it is up to you. You get to choose, and if you say “It is not up to me.”, that is your choice, that is the choice you have made. And in any given moment should you decide “I have no choices.”, you have made a choice. Though perhaps that choice is not reflective of the choice that you would prefer, and again, is concentrating on the similarities rather than the differences.
Your willingness to validate that everything has changed has you, in that sense, beginning to, with fascination, begin to seek, once again, the way that things have changed; the subtle differences, the evidence that corresponds to the change rather than the same old idea, for either way you will be actively engaged in the process.
What we are suggesting is that you can now become conscious, purposeful about it and do it according to your intention rather than randomly. Your willingness to approach any given situation in your life from the perspective that it has no built-in meaning, perhaps, for example, a particular situation comes along. Societally speaking, you have been taught that every time this situation occurs it is bad, it is negative, “Oh, everyone knows that”.
Then you assign it the “everyone knows” negative meaning and get the negative effect and there's the evidence, “Well, everyone was right”. But you can always turn this around. You can say, and acknowledge, what perhaps everyone usually says is wrong with the event, but not settle for that, for you understand “I create my own reality. I, in that sense, am experiencing an event that is my creation. It seems on the surface to be quite bad, however, if I acknowledge my creatorhood I will look at why I created it, not look at the face of it to say ‘well of course I would never create that’.”
So the form of, in that sense, taking back your power comes from your willingness to phrase, in the form of a question, “How is this creation serving me exactly the way it is, exactly the way it presents itself? How does it serve me? I see what is obvious and negative seeming about it, but that does not serve me other than to perhaps let me know that I do not prefer this, therefore, perhaps, it has aided me in my self-definition.”
But if you are willing to look a bit further, you will always find some way that any situation is of conscious, positive service to you; but only only from your willingness to begin to decide that you wish to assign the meanings that will be of service to you.
For when you automatically say “that's bad,” you are assigning that meaning anyway. So we are not asking you to do something that you're not very good at. Simply now pointing out that you can be conscious about it. You can decide, just decide to change if, in that sense, change is what you would find desirable.
If you will then trust, simply trust in that change, ”I have decided to change, therefore it is all changed, I will trust in that change by again looking for the differences rather than the similarities.”
And then the third step is to simply act as though you trust that it has changed.
Those three simple steps allow you to transform the face of your reality 100 percent, if that's your assignment of meaning. Can again seem like a slight change within the huge totality that you are, if that is your choice of assignment of meaning. Both are true, both are valid.
However, the willingness to assign the more positive meaning allows you to get more of a consciously useful, shall we say, result out of the situation and then allows situations to transform.
For understand, all situations in your life are a reflection, for your life is an extension of your consciousness, so anything within it is, perhaps you can say, a message that you are wishing to explore.
So your willingness to look at a given situation with the purpose of deriving that message allows the situation to be of service to you. When you do so, derive the service and then act or do whatever you can to express what you have gotten out of it, then the situation transforms, there is no longer the need for the symbol delivering the message to hang around. However, if you in that sense choose to deny the message that you create a symbol to deliver, that message still exists within you.
So in general, you will create similar seeming circumstance that will again bring it to your attention and, very often, this will come in the form of what you seem to create as a negative pattern or a repetitive negative occurrence in your life. If this is occurring, you may understand that as all other creations, you have created it but are not deriving service from it.
Your willingness to simply give it a negative label and tuck it back into the closet still means that it is unresolved within you. Therefore, allowing the symbols to deliver the meaning that you created them for allows them to have fulfilled their purpose and then you no longer will create, in the creative way that you do choose your reality, these types of symbols to seemingly keep coming around to show you that idea.
Therefore your willingness to derive service, your willingness to derive meaning from anything that exists in your life, allows you to use all your creations in a positive way. And, thereby, as you act like a creator, once again, you begin to get that evidence, that feedback from your reality. For you have assigned the meaning that ‘I am the creator of my reality’, therefore when you act that way, as all other situations that you act on, you get the results which seem to come in the form of the evidence that, yes, you do create your own life.
This is the exact same mechanism you are now using when you believe you don't create your own life, for you then act a particular way, get a particular result, and then say, “See, there's the evidence. Obviously, I don't create my own reality.”
The point is that you are experts at doing this. Therefore it does not take too much to simply move that point of view toward the conscious, desirous positive intention for that intention aligns you with your ability to act in a positive way, which then again midwives these concepts into the physical reality you call your life.
It is, again, ultimately your actions which, shall we say, are the ultimate resultant factor. But never do you perform any actions in a vacuum. You always have, when performing actions, the assignment of meaning behind them.
Therefore, if you wish to begin to again create your life consciously according to preference, be mindful of the fact that when you get a particular impression from a situation, that you are assigning that impression.
This then puts it back into your grasp. Gives you back your power to decide if that is truly the assignment you wish to make to that situation, for you will often find now that the assignments were quote unquote “automatic”.
But now that you know — even that it's a notion that the assignment occurs and then gives you the effect — you can always now pause before acting, pause before you do anything. And if you in that sense align yourself with the positive service, and then act, regardless of the fact that you have viewed the negative, that you have evaluated the negative, because you are only willing to act or do something when the positive perspective is in place, you only get the positive effect.
Now again, we have said, perhaps a few times, that as your awareness expands, as your consciousness expands, you become more aware of anything that is within any reality that you create. And this particular reality contains polarity. Polarity is negative and positive.
So again, by extension, as you expand, your awareness of both will expand. But what need not expand is your experience of both.
For again, what determines your experience are your actions with the assignment of meaning.Therefore, if you only assign positive meaning across the board, you can only get positive effects.
Your awareness, your increased awareness of negativity — as well as your increased awareness of positivity — but your increased awareness of negativity will come in the form of negativity as experienced by others.
Therefore understand the distinction in being aware of an idea and what causes you to then experience the idea. From your centered self you can very safely view all the positive and all the negative. For none of it, again, has any effect till you act.
But, if you remain grounded enough to only act when having provided a positive alternative, again the increasing awareness of negativity will be through others. So, you will still be aware of it, you will not be in a vacuum, you will still be in the reality that you have chosen to create and experience the polarity you have chosen to experience — in the form of awareness.
As you begin to choose positive meanings and correspondingly perform positive actions, the results of your actions are not only as a fruition in your life, but also then are seen, can be seen, by others.
Therefore in the totality of your reality, there is more access and more of an option for others to see that the positive perspective does work. And it is the seeing that what you are doing yields the results that is the strongest example, not discussing what sounds nice, but by embodying those ideas.
The more you are willing to do this, the more you will attract other individuals also very excited about that idea, and you will begin to see very quickly changes across the board, global changes.
One other notion that you sometimes hold is that “If I change myself it really makes a very little to no change in the world around me.”, this is the assignment of a meaning or definition. Understand that, again, when you make a change, it all changes.
Perhaps if you wish you can use the following analogy:
If you were to view yourself as a gear, enmeshed with many other gears all representing perhaps the other billions of individuals upon your planet, you may understand that if you as the gear turns, obviously, though perhaps not greatly, but at least a bit, all the gears will turn. And this is literally true of the results of your actions in this life. It affects everything across the board.
Now again, this is a matter of perspective. If you choose to say that “I changing, or a change in myself, will result in very little change in the world around me.”, and then you come from that perspective and act from that perspective, you may provide the evidence at first that you are the only one changing.
But if you understand that a change in you is a change in the universe that you create, is a change in everything, you will then be looking, again, for the differences, for the changes, and then you will have the eyes to see those changes. And by being very, shall we say, astute and aware to those changes, you will allow yourself to attract the other individuals that will, in a sense, assist and be aware of them as you attract them.
So be mindful of where you assign your meaning. Be mindful of your definitions. Be mindful before you act as to what your foundational assignment of meaning is, for that will always, either subtly or blatantly, affect your actions. And even the subtle affectation of your actions can give the subtle result that you, perhaps, will not prefer. Or again, if it is a positive assignment, the subtle result that you will prefer.
It is truly up to you and it always will be, in that sense, up to you to assign the meaning, carry the intention within you, and perform the actions which then literally create the reality. This is how you have already created your life.
What we are suggesting is now becoming conscious about it if you wish to change it. If you do not, simply go about your business and everything will automatically fall into place. But what we, again, are discussing is conscious creation according to preference simply because you desire to do so, and you know that acting upon your own passion or excitement, with integrity, can only be of positive service to yourself and to those around you.
Allow me now to thank you all for your willingness to interact with me and the members of my civilization and the respective civilizations on this end. We understand that even when interacting with us that you each will assign your own meaning as to what we represent to you. Therefore it is never our intention to insist that we are who we say we are, it simply is unimportant to us that you believe that we are who we say we are, for that then places the weight upon the message that we are delivering, rather than the messenger. And at least, up till now in your society, there has been a penchant to latch onto the messenger, very many times, at the cost of the message itself.
Therefore what we desire is what we are sharing in terms of the empowerment of the self, for that is what allows us to have a telepathic society. That is what allows us to function as a unit without, shall we say, the expense or at the cost of individuality. We still maintain our individuality but, in that sense, still get things done in a positive way. And we understand that this is attractive to the members of your society.
Therefore, by allowing the message to be what's important, and who's delivering it to perhaps be a footnote, this allows you to decide for yourself. And regardless if you choose to believe this or not, service will be derived by you; either you will get something from what I am saying, or you will define yourself in deciding that it does not apply to you and automatically attract yourself into whatever circumstance will then be of service to you more, shall we say, consciously or directly.
So, from our perspective we simply cannot lose and wish in that sense to revel in the exchange with you for we get, shall we say, quite a bit out of this as well. It allows us to see that many more ways that All That Is, or what you call “God”, expresses itself throughout the multiverse. This is one of our interests and fascinations, and you, in that sense, being sparks of the Infinite Itself, are quite fascinating to us.
Though you may perceive that our focus is a bit more expanded than your own, this simply means that our chosen point of view is less focused, or limited. What this does not mean is that in any way shape or form we are better than you, no. In general, there will be the assignment of meaning from members of your society that extraterrestrial races are better than humans. No. And perhaps that very idea is one of the things that prevents us from interacting with you face-to-face en masse, right now.
It is not our intention in interacting with you to have you give your power away to us. As you pick up the ball, as you say, and run with it with many of the concepts that we share, by extension, you become self-empowered. By extension, you begin to exercise your ability to respond, your response-ability, in your reality, thereby making you living examples of the way that we live, and thereby putting you of a mind to take back the assignment of meaning to your own power.
And then, in that sense, when you truly feel this way about yourself, and we, should that be the case, land and interact with you, it will simply be a reunion, not, alright, ‘individuals coming down to save you’. That is not the point. You are not drowning. You are not perceived as drowning. And we understand and respect your choice of exploration.
You are allowed, in that sense, to reap the benefits of any exploration that you so choose to partake of. Reaping the benefits, though you do not generally look at it this way, comes in the form of the negative choices as well. For if you make positive choices, you reap the benefits of those choices. If you make negative choices, you then reap the benefits of those choices as well, though perhaps you have not looked at them as benefits.
But nevertheless, they are the response and result of choices that you make. Therefore, you get the free will to explore that.
As a society, you are now beginning to make, shall we say, collectively speaking, more positive choices. And this can be perceived by, shall we say, the many societies that are observing your society in a blatant way. Therefore, as this begins to occur, the day does, in that sense, grow closer, whereby we can have more blatant, open interactions.
It is not likely that our civilization will be the first, but there are, shall we say, one or two other civilizations, in place, that are more likely to be the first civilizations that you begin to find out about, again, en masse.
And you may pay particular attention to what you call your media for the next, shall we say, 11 months or so, for you will, by your October 1993 year, find, shall we say, some irrefutable evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. And understand that this evidence has existed for many, many years upon your planet, but now is most likely the timing to begin to disseminate that and allow you to make your own choices. Allow you to assign your own meaning.
Therefore, in return for this willingness of your consciousness to begin to expand and explore the many possibilities available to you, in this life, I thank you, express my unconditional love, and ask you how I may be of service to you?
End of Intro
Excellent excerpt from the end of the Sharings session:
ELAN: One moment...
Anything that you need in any given moment, period, exists within that moment. You can, if you wish, reflect back on your past, project to your future, call in past lives, call in future lives, to enhance that moment. But you never need anything from even a moment ago, a moment to come, a past life, a future life.
You never need any of that to proceed in any given moment. Therefore, again, in any given moment, you always have what you need to have in that moment to proceed to be the person you chose to be. Realization of this allows you to bring yourself back, again, into the moment.
The now moment is the only moment you ever experience.
You speak of the past, you speak of the future, but you always do so from right now. And never was there a moment in your life when it was not right now, or when you could say it is not right now.
Therefore, your power exists in the moment. Your connection to all other now moments, so to speak, exists in every given moment.
The now moment is holographic and contains ALL of ALL reality.
In your particular chosen focus, however, you may, and again, express that in particular specific ways. So your willingness to ground yourself to what is right in front of you in any given moment is your willingness to express your power through that moment and use what is right there, right now. And you always have it.
That perspective can be quite helpful in clearing away the cobwebs and, again, putting in front of you what is right there. Assigning the meaning of your excitement to what is right in front of your face and choosing, with your excitement, acting upon that excitement with integrity.
Questioner: Yes, living in the now and using that to be the focus.
ELAN: And again, assigning positive meaning.
Questioner: Yes, absolutely.
ELAN: A creator in acknowledgement of their creations may not always see exactly the reason, at first, that they created that particular manifestation. But a true creator never stops looking and never stops going around an event to view it from all ends till the reason it was created becomes obvious.
Glean positive meaning in any neutral blank circumstance. Then you will assign a positive meaning and from that positive meaning then proceed with a positive foundation for your actions, therefore always yielding a positive result.
Your willingness to do so for, shall we say, a continued period, of time will create a momentum and flowing with your life, in a conscious way, with that belief that you are the creator of your reality, as all other beliefs, has a particular emotion. You will know when you manifest this, for that emotion is ecstasy itself.
Therefore, allow me to thank you all for your willingness to co-create this interaction with us this evening of your time. And I, in thanking you, in unconditionally loving you, wish you an ecstatic dream life, and life dreams, and bid you a most fond and loving, good evening.