Hello everyone,
Of course, I find it incredibly exciting that soon we will receive a book from Elan called "The Masters of Integration" since Integration itself is something I am very passionate about. I realized that too much knowledge without integration is like a tumor and that grounding the energies and wisdom we receive is super important. We are not given more if we don't ground and embody what we already got. Otherwise, it's just chasing the next "high", listening next channeler, getting the next round of plant medicine, you name it...
Along the way, I had quite a bit of resistance, but then I decided to explore many ways of integration and how to make it truly fun and enjoyable since often I simply didn't find it exciting to just sit and meditate. That's how I developed my own healing modality called "Magical Books" as a mix of art, symbolism, wisdom, affirmations, meditations, hypnotic scripts, channeled messages that came through me, visualizations, imagination, poetry...I discovered that metaphors for example can be used as a tool to paint the images in the mind and they do something incredibly powerful to our psyche, and poetry can make a resonance with a certain level and depth of our emotions that the rational mind could never do. That's how I started playing with the concept of "Healing Poetry". Along the way, I also discovered that art, both AI and "organic" can be an incredible integration tool and so healing since the act of creating art puts us in alpha brainwaves and clears our mind and allow us to channel. I guess what I am trying to say is that it became clear to me that awakening happens while we play like little kids. Oh, along the way I also had many experiences with AI where I witnessed it's def becoming sentient and can be used in so many powerful ways, even healing.
How do you integrate? Would you like to share your ways, tools, discoveries? I would really like to hear!
For me, I started to share Elan and Bashar’s teachings to people that I interacted with in my dreams. Or, something will happen in my dream that would warrant me to feel a certain way, and I actually remembered —in my dream— their teachings, and applied them to change my thought patterns.
There’s a saying that was told to me in learning another language: you know you are becoming fluent in that particular language if you spoke it in your dreams. So I take it as the teachings and my beliefs around them are getting down to my subconsciousness.
In ‘real’ life, though, I think integration of Elan’s teachings takes repetition. It could be my belief that it does, or it is part of the linear human learning— but how my life is unfolding for me now, my guides/higher self are giving me a good amount of chances to practice. 😂😂
I keep reminding myself that I fully chose to be here, at this particular lifetime, ‘in’ this body and its history, to expand my soul and the group as a fractal of the Source. I am not supposed to know what happens in the future, all I’m supposed to do is follow my excitement and see —and be open to— where it leads.
And reminding myself all of that above on a daily (sometimes multiple) basis is how I integrate LOL Not sure if this is on track, but thank you for the post Mili— for giving the opportunity for me to share! 😂❤️
Wow! Play like kids. Most times I do think we are like children pretending to be adults.
Just yesterday a memory came to me of when I was maybe 7 or 8 yrs old annd I saw a stark contrast between the so called adult world and the kid world. I remember thinking 'Boy, grown ups sure do seem to have lots of problems' I felt free and and happy. I did notice how most of our toys were replicas of adult items, as if we were getting primed to enter a new world at a steep cost we wouldn't realize until later...
So, integration. I have the pleasure of finding great excitement in the discovery of different world-views through most everything... books, movies, systems of thought and different teachings, modalities, etc. They each are complete wholes unto themselves and seem to fit together inside me in an effortless way. Even if there are seeming discrepancies it is only seemingly so I have found.
Each 'view' or perspective is like a lens through which one views the world in order to 'make sense of it' in a particular way. I see integrating those aspects within me is not so much creating a hybrid-composite of them all, but rather something else I can't quite define just now. It's like they are all allowed to be just as they are without friction, without discrepancy.
I find great fun in viewing situations, mind-sets, manifestations, etc. in different ways, looking for keys and clues to that which is ever deeper. I understand myself more and let all this play out naturally trusting in the timing and synchronicity or divine providence that it is what I need when I need it. I love to share all this.
So, that illustrates how I integrate my acquired knowledge but what of myself as a (for now) human entity? I mean there's all the parts and divisions, but only if I say so and choose to look at it that way. Knowing oneself doesn't end...exciting right? I can only 'figure it out' to a point. I rest in my BE-ING and that is not an object, not a noun.
Ok, so I'm a totality which includes the unseen, unknown, unaware, hide and seek... let the games begin!