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Dec 31, 2024
In 4th Density Cafe
It's been a privilege to be part of this community in 2024, to watch members whenever possible, answer each other's questions lovingly, support one another, gain the trust to share their deepest feelings openly so that all can benefit and learn. It is my deepest desire to watch this family grow, for more people to find Elan in 2025 and beyond and for everyone to live their best lives by living these messages deeply.
My life has been utterly transformed by Elan's messages since 2014, and I am in deep gratitude to Andrew and all who have been a part of this journey of disseminating the messages. 2025 feels really transformative, I trust you all feel it too. Let's bring ALL of ourselves to the table and be an active part of the massive transformation of our time.
Ha'Atu and Shivai to 2025!!
Aug 31, 2024
In Elan Meditations
Hello my dear friends and soul family,
I wanted to write this experience here instead of in the comment of another post with the link to the latest YouTube session, to expand a bit more on it. I've been busy lately as I'm sure many of you are, so it's best to set aside a good moment to do this when you really have the time to yourself and can deeply dive in. Here are my thoughts and experiences.
Elan actually took us through two meditations. The first one is a shorter one to align us and make us receptive to the second meditation.
I then followed the meditation to the mothercraft, which Elan called the 'Solar Wind', and once I was there, I was greeted by an unusual Being. This Being was very tall, perhaps 7-8 feet, with thin features, looked like a silhouette and seemed dark (in color, not in feeling). Since it was unexpected I couldn't quite focus in on it. This Being was very welcoming and made me feel instantly at home. As we walked through the mothercraft, Bashar and Anima appeared in front of us! We greeted each other affectionately and we started walking all together towards a certain area. On the way, we noticed many children freely roaming in the ship playfully. One or two came up to us in a very joyful way. Even if they seemed so playful and child-like, they also appeared to be so wise. We continued walking and reached a glowing gateway or entrance way. We walked through it and lo and behold, there was Elan and Anya! We greeted each other enthusiastically. After the reunion....something funny happened. They handed me a musical instrument which I started playing and somehow the music was part of the interaction, not only with the Essassani Beings but with others that were present who were gently swaying to the music. I noticed many other humans around, most likely those who did the meditation at the time as well as others doing it now. Elan mentioned at the start that since time is an illusion, we will encounter people in the meditation regardless of when they did it in linear reality.
Before I know it, it was time to leave. It really felt like time sped up...the whole experience was like 37 minutes on the video, but it felt more like 15 minutes!
There's a really cool moment at the end when Elan made us repeat out loud 'There's No Place Like Home'. It's deeply emotional if you really feel into it. He stressed that THIS is our home, so even if we travel anywhere else, always anchor yourself to the Here and Now, and Earth.
Truly, it was such a beautiful experience. And if you validate the memory as real, then it is real. That night, I slept deeply. When I woke up, I meditated and I was quickly able to go into a deep state and asked questions, receiving clear answers. I think this is part of the side effect of the alignment meditation he took us through at the start.
I highly recommend it!
Please share if you too have done the meditation. There seemed to be some profound experiences in the YouTube comments as well. Looking forward to reading yours here 😊. Sending love and light to you all, and wishing you a magical trip!! 🌟😍👽✨
Aug 03, 2024
In General Discussion
This post is directly inspired by Elan Interactions' latest comment to a recent question about negativity, where they wrote:
'As your awareness expands due to these insights being shared, true expanded awareness radiates out in all directions. We become more aware of both the positive and the negative because both polarities are part of the foundational definition of this linear finite 3D Earth experience. However just because you're also more aware of the negative, this does not have to mean that you actually experience any of it first hand. What you put out is always what you get back. If you keep yourself aligned to your truest self, by choosing from what is available in every given moment with your excitement, and only acting on the most exciting option with integrity, you will only be putting out a purely positive frequency. The integrity portion of that equation assures that integrated action is always only positive. So, you get only positive results when you act on your excitement with integrity. However, at this point where you only experience positivity firsthand, for a while longer, you still be aware of more negative as well, because that is the nature of true expansion. This awareness of negativity will be through the experiences of others. And it may be quite intense, and to be fully disclosing, quite heartbreaking, in the coming days. The trick is to keep your own output positive even in the face of witnessing this. This allows you to always continue to be of the greatest service in ways that may not always seem obvious to you. And, while you expressing your most authentic positive self, you are automatically being the most responsible to those others, in the most efficient and perfect way.'
This was too important a message to miss in the comments section, especially as the intensity in polarity is increasing all around us, in this moment.
This is really the time to 'walk the talk' and not be dragged around by the outer circumstances. This is what we are all called to do in this moment, more than ever. Maintain your balance and shine your light onto this world. It needs more examples of inner peace and you are invited to be that example.
Sending all of you in this forum, light and love. 💜
Mar 23, 2024
In Practical Application
Elan to me, is like the wisest, kindest, closest confidant one could ever have. It's hard to describe the feelings one gets when listening to Elan. It's distinct from the feeling one obtains from listening to Bashar. Both are equally amazing, but for me, Elan's messages go straight past the mind and into the heart, where it remains. There's so much unconditional love that is emitted from each session. 😍
After some years of listening to Elan, I realized that I can now directly connect to that stream of consciousness whenever I have a question which will be answered immediately (through 'knowingness'). This can happen to all of us in this forum if you just believe and trust what you get. Elan is right there with you. If you love Elan, then you are connected to him. Remove the filters of your beliefs and the answer will be quite clear.
Some years ago, I was in a very bad spot in life and felt really low in self-worth. All I was able to do was to listen to many Elan sessions while going for long walks. I had no idea how to get out of my situation. One day, I looked up while listening to an Elan session, and lo and behold, a van with large letters saying 'ELAN' on its side drove right past me. I had never seen it before. I started to laugh at the synchronicity and started to trust deeply that my reality was shifting.
What happened subsequently in my life is nothing short of miraculous. Because of the rise in my vibration due to repeated listenings of the Elan sessions and new decisions made as a result of it, the reality around me started shifting and I manifested new opportunities which seemed impossible to people around me. I did not have to 'do' very much at all. Just 'be' that vibration and the Earths shifted. This resulted in all my issues being resolved spontaneously and soon after I began a new life in a distant land.
I intend to write about this one day, but for now, I hope this will leave you inspired.
Lastly, I want to thank the channel for his dedication and deep trust from day one to allow the process to unfold. Because of his 'decision' in that moment and over the subsequent years, we are all here today to benefit from it.
With deep appreciation and love,
EDIT: Just want to clarify that even if when I was not sure what to 'do' at first to change my situation, I first just maintained the 'being' of a certain vibration which actually started with unconditional love for myself, as that was my biggest challenge. Once I internally stabilized, I took 'action' with that preferred internal state. The actions I took resulted in, practically, some miracles to manifest that I would not have predicted just a few months before that. This stuff really really works!
Mar 23, 2024
In Elan Quotes
"When you conceive of an idea, YOU ARE IT in that moment, and you therefore possess the IMAGINATION that you need, the portion…the VERSION of the IMAGINATION that you need, to ALLOW you to continue to USE that imagination along the same vibratory lines. " Elan - YOU ARE IT
Basically I interpret this as you can always handle your reality because the imagination you have is tailored to the vibration you are being in that moment. In other words being overwhelmed is an illusion, because when you make a decision to be a certain person, you get 'equipped' with a new version of the imagination to handle the reality.
Thought provoking if you think about it!!
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