When you begin to function, validating what moves you, you begin to say to the universe that you are now willing to be who it is you chose to be. The universe has always supported you when you were being who you wished you weren't. It only goes to say that it will continue to support you when you are being who you wish you are.
And in fact, that support will seem to be more full, more complete. For rather than supporting your right to create limitations, the universe will support your choice to free yourself up from the very limitations you say you do not desire.
So allow me now to thank you. Thank you for your willingness to begin to view these ideas. For your willingness to take your creatorhood from the realm of unconsciousness and make it conscious. This is what gives you the ability to generate your reality according to preference.
When you say to the universe that you most strongly believe that much of what you will experience will be non-preferential, it supports you. It provides realities that seem non-preferential.
Now, be a bit more creative. Decide, consciously command, that you can create according to preference. When you truly believe that way, therefore feel that way, therefore act that way, the universe will support that.