The main introduction by Elan:
(please let me know if you find any errors)
Greetings this evening, how are you? [Good] Oh, thank you very much. Allow me to begin this interaction with the following observation. In your society, very often individuals speak of the idea of re-establishing a connection to what you call God.
Now understand, from our perspective, when you speak about establishing or re-establishing perhaps a connection, this presupposes that you are already separate things and need to then connect between things which are already separate. All right, that is one perspective. Our particular name, our particular phraseology, so to speak, for what you call God is All That Is.
We use this terminology because to us it is quite precise and in that sense leaves nothing out. In speaking about the idea of All That Is, you obviously would be included in that definition. It is not that there is everything that exists and then there's you aside.
No, there is no outside of creation. It is all one event, one thing. The idea is as follows.
All That Is is at the same time a self-reflective singular consciousness, but also simultaneously, All That Is. Everything, no exceptions. This is one of the paradoxes of the Infinite, eternal, and multi-dimensional nature of All That Is.
Therefore, you can never truly be separated from All That Is. You can perceive a separation. You can create particular definitions and parameters that allow you to assume the position of being separate, but the very eyes through which you peer, the very eyes through which you say you perceive your reality — from our perspective you project it from there, but that's another story — are in fact the eyes of Creation Itself, the eyes of All That Is.
You are, in fact, aspects of the Infinite Itself, the Infinite simply being another label for All That Is. You may, if you wish, entitle this interaction “Aspects of the Infinite”. All That Is, in being a singular self-reflective consciousness, and this is quite colloquial for the purposes of explanation, perhaps you can say, at some point, decided that It would like to know Itself. In Its raw state, you may say that All That Is simply exists. It simply is.
And in fact, you can say the first phase of awareness is existence Itself.
The second, again, phase of awareness is Knowingness. Knowingness supposes a separation, rather than being one whole, separating to then reflect back on aspects of Itself.
So therefore, in breaking Consciousness down, so to speak, along a gradient, as you say, the first step is Existence, and the second, shall we say, gradation is Knowingness.
The next three separations of Consciousness that allow more and more pinpoint fine focus of Consciousness are belief, belief systems, emotionality, and mentality or thought.
In your physical reality, in general, you function from the last three, belief systems, emotionality, and mentality.
However, one of the realities you also create, which is just as real as this reality, you call your sleeping dream reality. We prefer to also label that this is a dream as well, for you are very literally dreaming right now, and we will refer to this dream as the waking dream reality. It has its own unique particular set of rules, and in that waking dream, in general, one functions until they begin to expand from belief systems, emotions, and thoughts.
In your sleeping dream reality, however, this is not always the case. You also sometimes will create these belief systems, emotions, and thoughts as a methodology for proceeding, but you also, in that state, experience direct Knowingness, and very often, this is one of the reasons, upon waking into this dream, that you are not able amply to bring back a memory of what occurred, for there are simply no symbols within this dream to express that Knowingness. Being, again, that this dream is more or less seated in belief, emotion, and thought.
You are all aspects of the Infinite Itself.
These are simply the ways through which, the filters through which, you define yourself and ultimately enables you to perceive yourself as separate from All That Is. That is a unique discovery. Cutting yourself off, so to speak, again, it is only a seemingness, but so to speak, from Infinite creation allows you to experience certain things.
One of those explorations is the exploration you call learning. When you are expressing your totality, and you are one in that sense with All That Is, you simply already know it all. So there is nothing you can truly learn, nothing you can discover.
So learning, discovery, and in fact, surprise, are some of the aspects that you create this degree of separation from All That Is to experience. It is quite, from our perspective, a wonderful exploration. Once individuals realize that part and parcel of that forgetting, that self-imposed forgetting of your totality, is to experience the joy of discovery, many times this will, shall we say, take some of the pressure off, and you will understand the things you strive to know are the point, are the road, not the destination.
You can understand that simply by even phrasing that you are an aspect of the Infinite, you can begin to feel that connection by believing, by utilizing the belief system that you are an aspect of the Infinite, and stating that, you can feel it for all emotions are always a response to a belief. When you allow yourself to utilize that belief and create those corresponding emotions, you create a vibration within you, and that vibration can be matched by your attitude. Once you allow yourself to feel that connectedness, along with it comes the unconditional love of All That Is. For you are being an aspect of All That Is, truly loved unconditionally for All That Is loves Itself unconditionally.
All That Is does not impose conditions upon parts, so to speak, of Itself, does not say, well, if you do this, I will love you, if not, you're out, for understand there is no outside, nowhere to send it, nowhere to put it. All is All That Is. Therefore, yes, even you are unconditionally loved.
“Who, me?” Yes, you. Even you. There is no outside.
There are no extraneous creations. You are part of All That Is. You are unconditionally loved, being that unconditional love is the energy of Creation Itself at all times.
Many times individuals will say, well, yes, that sounds all well and good, but I don't feel that. That is because you, in creating yourself as seeming separate, also have an option. You can have the option to actually, conditionally love yourself, meaning if you fulfill your own set of conditions, all well and good.
If you do not, then you literally and figuratively beat yourselves up. What you feel as a lack of unconditional love is not from All That Is. All That Is simply automatically, unconditionally loves you. It is all in that sense that it can do. It cannot forsake parts of Itself.
So you may understand when you feel judged, when you feel lack of self-love, that you are choosing, you are choosing to express within your choices of feeling separate, to feel that toward yourself.
And we remind you of your connection, of your being an aspect of the Infinite so that at least at that juncture, you can give yourself the option, in reminding yourself of the unconditional level of All That Is, to feel it. And upon feeling that love, it then becomes a bit more simple, shall we say, to match the vibration of that unconditional love, and to unconditionally love yourself — to forgive yourself for things that you have done that you do not prefer with, again, the intention of reconciling those things.
And one way to do so is that if a similar circumstance comes around, allowing you the option to do something that you did, that you did not prefer, that you use, that you draw on those regrets to simply not do that again, to simply provide, under similar circumstances, the positive course of action, which then reconciles having made the negative choice back then and establishes balance, sometimes what you call karmic balance.
So it is not that you need experience directly, one for one, the quote-unquote fruits of your actions. If you punch someone in the face, you do not need to be punched back in that sense to create neutrality, to even out, in that sense, that balance.
You can, next time you are, shall we say, tempted to punch someone in the face, not do it. And your willingness to not do so establishes a balance. We understand this is an extreme example, but sometimes that speaks a bit louder.
Therefore, understand, that the unconditional love of All That Is, is Eternal, is Infinite, cannot be lost. If you are speaking about “God judging me”, what you are saying is you are judging yourselves. For unconditional leaves no room for judgment.
Unconditional means no conditions. Therefore, you will not be judged for not meeting a particular set of conditions. There are none.
The conditions are imposed by your own heart's inner knowingness of what is right and wrong for you. And your willingness to follow that, or not follow that, determines the effects you feel are, shall we say, bequeathed from without you, from outside. But you are doing the assigning. You are doing the judging.
You always know in your heart of hearts if what you are about to do is separative, dis-integrative or integrative. Therefore, allow yourself to check in with this inner knowingness and allow yourself to follow your heart of hearts.
We particularly again remind you that one of the signs, you're always asking for signs, “Oh give me a sign, can I have a sign?” You constantly have one. One of the signs from your higher self to your physical self in any given moment is what you label excitement. For that vibration is the translation of the energy that allows you to know in no uncertain terms this is me in this moment from what's available.
Therefore, your willingness to begin to validate that excitement, with integrity, with the understanding of your integration with all things and acting that way. This means that you always have as much power as you ever need to create what you want without hurting yourself or others. But your willingness to follow that excitement will create a thread ,and that thread will weave your life into a tapestry that you will find most enjoyable, most effortless, and most abundant.
For that is walking in step with your purpose, and that excitement is the sign itself that you ask for all the time. When something excites you, trust that it does not do so to tease you, to chide you. It does so to inform you that, of these choices, this is me, this is most effortless, and this will lead to the next thing that, upon choosing, will be very exciting.
Therefore, your search, your mission, your exploration of expansion of consciousness can take that form, and can be accelerated when you are willing to begin to accept the sign from your Higher Self, and act upon that sign.
Again, it will create a new momentum that will replace the old. You will not be running from the old way of life toward the new. You will be acknowledging the old life and simply choosing the new. So much momentum will it then have once you are willing in this way to validate that sign from your Higher Self.
Allow us to thank you all for your willingness to co-create this interaction with us this evening.
Though there are, shall we say, many individuals out there, there are also other many individuals on our side as well. Therefore, many consciousnesses benefit from these interactions. We enjoy, we revel, in fact, in seeing just how many different expressions, aspects of the Infinite assume.
Therefore, we derive great joy in your allowance to share with us your unique individuality. For that gift, I ask you now, how may I be of service to you?