[Heads Up: It's long, but worth it, hahaha! With so much excitement I deliver this to you 😄].
Preliminary: I was channeling today and realized how effortless and fun it truly was to connect with these beings. I'd only ever done so for myself, never for another person in a way both parties knew about! So just for funsies I wanna try this and see what comes out! No expectations; I just wanna feel what comes through because channeling is so fun hahaha.
I never knew until now what the meaning of "Zanzar" is, the name my Sassani friend/counterpart gave me. But I was finally excited to look it up, and found out it's a Portuguese word that someone on a forum defined this way: "It means to walk around without a destination, no rush. It isn´t so common to use this word and sometimes the people use as a slang." It is also defined on one name site as being Indian for "Instrument of music."
These both fit me so beautifully in ways I don't even know if I want to fully convey here hahaha. Both meanings are extremely, perfectly relevant reflections 🥹. And they make so much sense to be my counterpart. Not the least because South America and India both feel immediately relevant to me on an incarnational, soul connection level <33.
Worry not about the authenticity btw, if you have manifested this it's exactly what you needed to see that can serve you regardless! I don't care if it really is but I trust what comes and what wants to be communicated 💞. I also added notes in parentheses for clarity, since I was doing my best to keep up with the energy and it didn't always form grammatically consistent sentences hahaha.
The Nature of Change and Energy
"Now, I wish to speak upon the nature of change, and, of course, the instrument of time in expressing your signature frequency *as* an arrangement of notes throughout the canvas that is your physical, linear reality timeline experience. I have connected much with Blaire because of her willingness to express these ideas in her own flavorful and very powerful way, and I have witnessed her throughout her evolution in such a bright and brilliant way to expand her notion of the being that she is. And, for myself, I see this reflected very well in certain personal, Essassani/Sassani experiences.
You can understand that your evolution towards a more fourth density experience of yourself is going to be reflective of the Soul prismatic energy that you, as the Soul and Oversoul, express throughout many dimensions, many different densities, and, at least from my perspective, throughout different incarnational expressions of the being you are now, who on a template level you can represent (yourself) physically, as --- so to speak --- an avatar in a game that, for a lack of a better way of saying it, one soul or one oversoul can choose as one model in the customization screen (of your character). Throughout the different infinite, multitudinous versions and frames of that being (the avatar), you can take any combination of those possible expressions and then paint your physical reality canvas, physical life canvas with them.
Understand that this message is being corroborated as well by the being known as Blaire, for on a, you could say: Collective Individual level --- which one must come to understand their Individual self as a Collective --- you as the beings receiving this information can utilize it to more adequately **arrange** your symphony to be more representative of the notes that harmonize with the note you actually are within creation --- as a core, an essence, a (signature) frequency, (who creates a) a range of possible note arrangements of yourself through the prismatic physical dimension.
So when we discuss this idea of change, what we can more accurately pin it down as is the arrangement of static frames of reality to accrue and create the picture of a whole symphony. This one picture is wholly apprehended by the spirit self, but is experienced on different dimensional levels to be more fully understood within the total self, that once again your spirit holds all of. The different densities that you could consider to be lower are differently experiencing that in the more focused and more "zoomed in" position. As, once again, all perspectives are valid, and there is no need to specifically say one *must* be better than the other, for all exist, therefore all equally *need* to exist in order for that existence to be **All** that it can be. For All That Is, whose nature is to necessarily to be **All** That it Is.
There is, in a sense, not that much greater of an agenda (that All That Is has) for All That Is **knows** itself infinitely to be worthy, therefore infinitely it is willing and needs, through its excited and necessarily creative nature to be **all** of itself. For a being who denies the worthiness of any part will choose to deny, hide, suppress, and attempt to destroy. Whereas the All That Is, for knowing its infinite worthiness, is willing to create and be all that it is. This is how you can, once again, come to understand unconditional love being the frequency of existence itself. For it is within the conditional love paradigm that things "should not exist".
This is a valid expression, and it is an experience of All That Is, and of the unconditional love of All That Is.
However, you do understand now that this is not the nature truly of All That Is, for its expression of itself and its willingness to explore different variations of itself and its "one note", its "one self", its one beingness --- is endless. For that is what existence, what "What Is"-ness is. To be and to know that in the being itself, the whole picture, the whole necessary, worthy picture is being fully painted.
And again, the arrangement of static frames in order to create the sequence that you would consider to be any kind of linear, spacetime experience is simply: an arrangement. One made through a nonphysically created means to experience the idea of the physical self. And then, through that idea, the nonphysical self may understand more of its total nature. For, once again, the idea of the ever-expanding, ever-integrating, ever-exploring, ever-inviting new members of itself to be "re-membered" in new ways is the reason why physical reality is the most exciting and one of the most adventurous experiences an infinite, LITERALLY infinite, unconditionally validating self and "other" (I.E. the members being "re-membered") can move through. For, again, in that level of Creation there is not necessarily the idea of "others" as you can experience here, which is such a high appeal: How can you unconditionally validate the experience of other-ness? That is exciting, that is extremely exciting, and for the powerful beings such as the ones who will be receiving this message, you understand that you have this power to unconditionally validate even if it (the power) feels so very remote.
The notion that you can even conceptualize or attract any level of it into your reality means that, on some level of the being, the *total* being that you are, you have access to that vibration. Therefore, all it takes is a reorientation of consciousness. For, once again, the nature of change. What is the nature of change? Getting to the idea of the title.
The nature of change is the nature of the organization (I.E. the arrangement, orientation through beliefs and vibrations) of the One perspective to create another, a new dimension, of itself. So, what we mean by this is that, necessarily, Infinity always continues. All That Is is All-ness, it is all things, it *can not* end because existence is --- existence is existence is existence is... It's very fun! It's very fun. It's so very exciting to know that this never ends, in the sense that it will never be necessarily "boring". Creation, in a sense, contains boredom, but can not be bored. For in an unconditionally validating and unconditionally loving existence that is the fundamental structure of Creation, from our perspective, and from the perspective of, you could say, this higher density, higher level of consciousness.
The exciting thing about this physical reality is that change can be experienced in this way. And when we talk about dimensions in a literal sense, it is adding another *level*, another layer, another angular way of experiencing the same idea (think: height, width, length; each adds another level and angle to one idea). When you think about fractals, it repeats the same pattern in that kind of a way. It is --- and we're using the best terminology we can find within this channel. It allows the infinitely "same" structure of existence to organize itself in a way, by using the same fundamental pattern and fundamental sequence of energies, to allow that infinite power to be expressed in such a way that the being can apprehend both subtle and major changes as if to the "totality" of their reality. (To elaborate further) You can experience a moment as if it is the entire world. You can become immersed in a storyline as if it is your whole world in that moment. You know this as you get very, very, very immersed in a storyline or a movie, you seem to be totally transported to that world.
It is by the gift of the focus that you as a physical being have that you create this, that you can experience "hopping worlds" in that particular modality of consciousness that your physical, quasi-physical experience is.
From our perspective, you could say that humanity is entering a consciously quasi-physical reality. For within quasi-physicality, you are noticing the waking dream, the living dream that reality really, from our perspective and from that higher dimensional perspective, is. From the definition of quasi-physicality being that we are simply in physical reality with a spirit awareness integrated in the experience of our physicality, and live in the Lucid Dream: the dream of the joy of being awake within the dream. That is you could say the joy, the enlightenment, because within a (lucid) dream you can do anything, and therefore your lightness, the nature of yourself as light, is highlighted and so very well-defined.
Whereas when you feel the weight, when you feel the gravity, in a sense, of the structure of a more physical, dense third density reality, you understand that that kind of an experience is not truly who you are. Therefore, you can say it appears from the perspective of more conscious beings such as yourself, such as humans, that for those who choose a path of awakening, who choose to wake up within the dream, you feel the "pain" of that gravity moreso. For your true nature is to float. Your true nature is to be free. Your true nature is to flow, to swim, to fly, to know the lightness that you contain as an infinitely abundant being.
And this will bring us to the closing of the transmission. If you give yourself the gift of defining your changing physical reality as not a sequence, a straight line, of change to an objectively pre-existing structure, but to instead be (defined as) an artful dance of choosing, aligning, and utilizing everything that presently *is* within your reality, available to you by the physical reflection, by the imagination, by the faculties of intuition and of physical excitement, by the emotional energetic world that moves, that feels, that breathes, that gives you the sense of aliveness, that gives you the sense of your standing in relationship to your "inner being" and with your Source.
You can use all of these tools to give yourself the applause, the reverence, the admiration, and the respect --- of knowing yourself as an artist within Creation. The change that you experience throughout the story of your life is not a linear line within a fixed timeline, it is an artful creation utilizing the infinite abundance of expressions of your beingness that exists throughout all that is. And you are. Through the art of agreements, the art of relationships, the art of **relationships**. This is, in a sense, the mechanism, the creative force in and of itself. The nature of relationship.
The relationship between the brush and the paint. The paint and the canvas. The brush and the hand. The hand and the arm, and the body, and the mind and the soul. Give yourself the reverence and appreciation that you are a great artist. And notice that, within a canvas, as you continue to paint, you do not create a painting by *changing* the pre-existing strokes that you have already laid upon the canvas. You continually add new ones, and expand upon what has been. Every stroke is its own entirely new, unique stroke upon the canvas --- that can go from what appears to be an artless blob upon a canvas, into such an immaculately well-defined portrait of a face. Of a landscape.
It may shock you how much the continuation of new, expanding brushstrokes and creation upon a canvas can take what seems to be something so messy, and so far from its end product, into that end product. Being such a beauty, being such an incredibly well-defined piece of art.
You may give yourself as a soul the title of "Master Artist." For, by the end of whatever your journey is, you will look back upon the *whole* Creation that you have laid upon that canvas, which is your life story upon the canvas of your soul, and you will feel the mastery, the **absolute** mastery, that you possess.
And this is one reason why, from your vibration to ours, and from ours to yours, we know you. We wish to connect with you. And it is not, I repeat, it is not our first time connecting.
With great gratitude, we send this message, through you --- to you.
Unconditional love from our species to yours."
This was amazingly beautiful to read! Thankyooou for sharing! 😊👽💙
There is so much goodness that can be derived from this. Thank you for the sharing. 😄 💕