The following are the playlists for all the Elan and Bashar videos that can be watched without having to leave the Forum. Just click on the playlist icon on the top right corner of the video to see the full playlist and to select the video you would like to watch.
And to access our growing selection of transcripts for the videos click on the links below:
Intro Transcripts and Sharing Transcripts
Elan Speaks
Elan describes an unusual sentient species that they have encountered in their exploration of the Multiverse. This is an excerpt from a sharing in an upcoming session. As of now we've mostly included just the introductory talks from these sessions. From time to time, we'll include some sharings. This clip is dedicated to Ted Hall, he was Theodorable.
Elan-Bashar Channeling Sessions (in Chronological Order) including previously unreleased sessions
These 58 sessions which includes many previously unreleased sessions, are numbered in the order in which they were delivered over a period of two years. The sessions are also complete on their own should you choose to listen to them separately according to the messages you synchronistically attract in perfect timing for your own needs. Each video contains descriptions and explanations for context. Note: The channel of Elan was initially trained by Bashar before the reigns were handed over to Elan. The initial 58 channelings were hence a blended energy of the two.
Full Elan sessions (in chronological order) including unreleased sessions
Sessions 59 onwards will include all Elan sessions plus many that have not made it onto the internet. These sessions continue to be numbered according to the order in which they were delivered.
Here we highlight interesting and relevant sharings we've come across.
Yes, Jo Ann! I discovered your original website to share Elan's teachings 5 years ago, and that's exactly what I was referring to in expressing my gratitude to you! As well as I am very thankful now for your involvement and presence here: you're such a light! Many blessings, Anita 😊❤️
Lovely idea to repost these here so others can find them if they don't come across them on YouTube ☺️
WOW!!! Thank you Jo Ann! Your creativity is always majestic!!! I'll be forever grateful. Plus, I love that you mentioned Theodorable! I truly feel connected to the Ones who initially gathered and listened to Elan through Andrew live. It's as if I got to know them somehow, by listening to the recordings time after time, by identifying their voices, by collecting little pieces of their personal stories...and putting them together, or by seeing some of their faces on that unique TV Show. It's my heart's desire to meet them somewhen... And, were you One of them? Thanks for everything, Anita 🙏🏽⭐️💙👽