We invite everyone to share our YouTube (http://YouTube.com/@elaninteractions) and Instagram (http://instagram.com/elaninteractions) freely. If you post a quote, please post it verbatim and please include the name of the session that it's from. Also include "as channeled by Andrew" (no last name please), in order to be sure the proper source is clear. This also applies to the Bashar and the Bashar/Elan sessions as channeled by Andrew.
We are looking to share Elan's (and our Bashar/Elan) information with as many people as possible and we encourage your participation through whatever means you find most exciting, acting on it with integrity. If you do feel excited to share our videos, Instagram posts, quotes, artwork or information from our http://elaninteractions.com website, we only ask that you keep things free-of-charge, in their original context, always remaining loving and positive, also following Elan's simple guidelines of remaining completely integrative, non-judgmental, unconditionally loving, and validating while treating everything and everyone as an equal. Please do not post clips of these videos on a monetized YouTube channel. Our channel is not monetized! Also, please do include links back to us http://elaninteractions.com and http://youtube.com/@elaninteractions, so that anyone interested can keep current with ongoing updated posts. And, there is a lot more to come. We don't want anyone to miss any of it.
We understand the great value of having information go viral, and we appreciate the excitement and enthusiasm of our participants. We deeply appreciate any assistance to proliferate Elan's unconditionally loving and empowering concepts and ideas to the world. We choose to present this information free-of-charge (as does the channeler) and even our YouTube is not monetized in order to allow uninterrupted access by the greatest number of people possible. We offer unfettered access regardless of belief system, personal circumstances, lifestyle choices, social status, or means.
Let us add that we validate ALL other explorations regarding financial gain and we never judge anybody else's decisions about making money, this is up to each individual. We believe that everyone has the right and reason to conduct their own business in any way that they see fit. Our way is not any better, it's just our way according to our own feeling, desires, and decisions. For us, as long as the simple guidelines above are followed, we will not interfere with the sharing of this information.
We also do not mind longer quotes or videos as long as they follow the above guidelines and also link back to our YouTube and elaninteractions.com website.
Thank you for your ongoing participation, unconditional loving messages, and support. We feel this deeply and it is always returned. Together, we rise!
Much Love,
Elan Interactions
That’s fantastic!! 💕
Are any of Elan’s transmissions translated to other languages? This would be so beneficial for the non-English speaking population!
Can we create our own artwork/memes with Elan\s quotes as long as we are mentioning the source of material?
Agree!!! Thank You for the links!! 😊