I see that there are many different interpretations when it comes to the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions. Some sources and experts suggest that we are currently transitioning into the fifth dimension, while others, such as Elan and Bashar, emphasize that the fifth dimension is formless.
This a fourth-density forum. I feel very connected with the way Elan talk about it. Nevertheless it can be confusing to encounter these varying perspectives. Can someone provide me with concrete definitions to help clarify this topic?
From my perspective, fourth density and living from the fifth dimension as other channeled beings and ppl have talked about are the same thing :)). They both mean in a sense lucid dreaming, being connected with Source, knowing who you are, and being a more conscious creator of your reality. Having a deft understanding of your multidimensionality. That's my basic interpretation of 4th density and moving into the 5th dimension, though we're already in and out of 5th dimensional experiences all the time. Just as, from my point of view, we're already in 4th density just having passed the threshold and finding our grounding 🥰
D can be reffered to as either density or dimension. So basically 4th density and 5th dimension is the same thing, just different names. Sometimes it confuses some individuals when they see 3D, 4D or 5D.
Hi Guido, not sure if you've already seen this: https://youtu.be/LgOdAcqfu7c?feature=shared . It's an earlier session but describes the different densities quite clearly. At least I find this description to be more resonant with me than any other terms used by other channelers..
We pretty much all agree that we're presently exploring 3rd Density, aka 3D. This is discussed as an expression of consciousness that is stIll sentient and self-aware, while still buying utterly into the illusion of being separate pieces in a larger, bigger, more complete puzzle or whole. The way that the Sassani describe 4th Density, we wouldn't want to skip it. We get to still be physical and corporeal, while expanding into our more integrated and connected expression of consciousness. Elan always says, "you wouldn't want to miss 4th!" In the end, these are all just numbers and labels, but we also enjoy the concept of 4th in between, where we get to live consciously, instead of fleeing straight to exploring non-physical expressions of consciousness.