Elan has taught that fear is when you trust that something you don’t prefer is more likely. But this does not seem to have always been the case for me. Often, I (and I would assume most of us) have experienced fear of doing something because I trusted that an un-preferred outcome was merely possible. If I’m very excited to do X, but it’s possible that Y could happen, and I determine I could still be happy not doing X to avoid the unlikely risk of a very unpleasant Y, not doing X has often seemed like the wiser choice.
What am I missing? I have been raised to be careful, to consider the likelihood of a “downside” and if the risk seems “worth it.” Is Elan saying that a total disregard for any possible un-preferred outcome is the secret sauce? Is the key to adopt the belief that: As long as I’m following my excitement with integrity, then the “you-niverse” will have my back every time? And then there truly is no risk?
Thank you for reading!
We're late to the party, but of course, perfectly timed. As we were preparing one of our responses, synchronicity intervened and pointed us all here instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GunHjCXcsf0
This sharing addresses what you are saying and includes a lovely exercise to transform it.
Ahhhh... this is a wonderful example of your 'programming', 'conditioning' controlling your behaviour... "I have been raised to be careful, to consider the likelihood of a “downside” and if the risk seems “worth it.”
The way you have been taught has created the belief that “I have to be careful”… “I need to watch out for the downside”… "This is risky, is it worth it?"
Watch Session 70 - The Wild Card or read the transcript (under the Intro Transcripts section)... this should really help. Here is just a short excerpt:
For understand, fear is believing a reality that you do not prefer is most likely. It is the same belief as saying to the universe that you believe that something you do not prefer is most likely. And obviously by extension this is not the statement or the perspective of an owner, for if you truly own the reality, there is nothing that can slip in there and get you. And if you feel fear in this regard, then you can use it — but not by pushing it away, not by denying it! By asking yourself, “How does it serve me exactly as it is?
What does it allow me to see about Who I am? What does it allow me to understand about the degree to which I believe that I create my own reality?”
So, the first application for the utilization of the statement, “How does this serve me exactly as it is?” would be when you feel fear.