Hi dear community 🤗 I feel very excited about getting closer and closer to a state of being where I can consciously choose a new past for my current life, not from a place of resistance to my old life anymore, but from pure choice, and I see myself literally living a new (similar timeline) life while being able to remember this one. I dont know how to actually do this consciously, instead of shifting every second without even knowing. Has one of you shifted in any obvious way? What was your process? I have done this with sicknesses before, waking up with my body in a new condition and I just KNEW that in my new timeline I woke up in, I had never had the condition. I simply shifted away from it overnight. With more life altering shifts, I have fear come up that I could make the wrong choice, lose a path that might have become important, abandon people, or lose control because I cant consciously hold so much information in me, enough to build an entirely new life. Im scared I will forget the old version of me or that I cant trust my bigger self or guides to hold all my choices just how my new physical personality wants them made. Im worried that my higher self can tell me that I cant get my desire because I actually dont REALLY want it. I want to have the right to choose withhh my physical personality and have all its desires satisfied. I want all your suggestions 💎❤️✨✨ Infinite love and gratitude 💛 ~Aleo
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You can never make the wrong choice, my Friend. All choices will lead right back to you! Always! If you come across a circumstance that you do not prefer, remain neutral, acknowledge that this is not your preference and change your belief to something you do prefer. It is always a choice. You contain it all, so you never forget the old version, because it is the "old version" that brought you, to the new expanded you. Fear is what stands in the way. Always remember, you are an eternal being and there are only choices and in each moment you can choose again. You only exist in the here and now and are making connections to the past. Relax and look at the limiting beliefs you are carrying, so that y ou can release them and allow the greatness that is you to shine bright! You can do this, just let go of fear of unknown. Only more of you exists in the unknown. Much love.
Hello Aleo, welcome to our Community!
I will give an answer from Elan (below) that, while it was to a person for a health situation, actually applies to any 'fear' you hold. And all of these questions you have asked arise from the 'fear' of the 'little self'.
You are far more powerful than the 'little self' and its fears. YOU are the one that chose to be here to experience this human incarnation and YOU are the one that has the power to change your experience to one that is preferred.
Keep studying and applying Elan's teaching... it really does work! And love yourself and the choices you make... you benefit from EVERY choice no matter how it appears to play out for you. And if you don't like a choice you have made, no problem, you can choose again! All experiences, all choices, are valid... and valuable!
Below is the response from Elan and you may also want to watch this video "It's Up To You" ...for that is indeed the truth... it IS up to YOU. 😉
From pg 237 of Your Power on a Plate:
ELAN: Alright, before you proceed, struggling and worrying are not open, receptive postures to allow you to simply express yourself in the most fruitful terms. So, first of all, my first suggestion would be to let go, nothing to worry about ... nothing to struggle. Secondly ... when you are going about your business expressing yourself purposefully, according to the terms of who you know yourself to be ... all of these details ... eating, sleeping, exercise are automatic, you attract them, and if you will but begin to trust the intelligence of your so called "body," which is really just your consciousness in contracted terms, so-to-speak. The worrying and the doubt are a closing down ... and by allowing yourself to attract effortlessly whatever sustenance would be most beneficial to you ... that is the conducive open posture. Does that make sense?
Q- Okay, so you're saying that if I let go and relax, the proper, uh...
Elan- First of all, worrying is an unexpressed action, it is something you allow yourself to continue to do. So perhaps firstly you may wish to reorganize that thinking ... so that now you are simply taking care of business ... not worrying, because worrying always has this background, underlying notion that "something's going to get you.” So, nothing is going to get you, if indeed you understand that your life is an effortless reflection of who you choose to be.
I hope this has helped!❤️