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Elan Interactions
Jan 12, 2025
In Elan Quotes
You can only change a belief if you first own it.
If you're ever wondering if you still express beliefs that you no longer prefer, look around.
Your life is a shiny mirror to lead you back to more of yourself.
Elan Interactions
Jan 10, 2025
In Elan Transcripts - Intros
ELAN - 95 - Everybody's Perfect (previously unreleased full session)
Welcome and greetings this evening of your time, as you create time to exist. I do not ask you how you are, for I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you are all perfect. And furthermore, to perfectly segue, I will in that sense entitle this interaction, ‘Everybody's Perfect’.
There is a concept prevalent in your society, and this is the idea that you begin, in that sense, your life with an empty slate. And in that sense, the process of your life is the filling of that slate, the accumulation of certain knowledge, and what you therefore extrapolate and define as growth. And from one point of view, this is, in fact, an apparency.
We do understand, in that sense, how it appears that this is so. And many times, individuals will plug into this definitional soup, if you will, the idea that growth implies that you are becoming something better than what you have already been, and thereby becoming more perfect, or achieving or approaching a style of perfection.
Now again, you can, through the apparency of your reality, experience the seemingness of this. But allow me to tell you, from a fundamental point of view, that this is only a point of view. For, because you are multidimensional, infinite, and eternal beings, fundamentally, you truly have no beginning, no middle, and no end.
Fundamentally, from, perhaps you can say, the point of view of your Higher Self, you are completely timeless, spaceless. And within that timelessness and spacelessness, though it seems as a contradiction, you actually contain everything simultaneously. Simultaneous expression is more of the natural, shall I say, expression of your consciousness.
When you choose to express and explore physical reality, you play out that simultaneous expression along a timeline. And rather than, in that sense, simply accessing your totality at all times, have an apparency of unrolling it a bit at a time. That is the apparency that you call growth.
So from one physical point of view, you start out blank and gain experience. But from the point of view of your higher self, or higher consciousness, you literally impose a style of amnesia and remember who you are a bit at a time. Utilizing what you, in this way, create to be external cues, an external reality.
But it is not truly fundamentally, since you are eternal, that you grow or, in that sense, become more of something. For again, you are already everything. And this is an extension of your consciousness.
Your physical life, your physical body is an extension within your consciousness. Many times there is the notion that you are a soul within a body. But again, that, in and of itself, is an apparency.
If you wish to be technically accurate, you are a body within a soul. Your Consciousness is what you are and your body is but a distinct point of view within the totality of your Consciousness. Now, being that that seems to be centralized, in that sense, within the vessel of your body, then there is the apparency, once again, of being within a body.
And that is part of the experience of seeming as though you can be separated at all from God or All-That-Is. But in fact, you are One, you are an expression of, you are a point of view of, an eye, if you will, of All-That-Is, or God. You are one and the same, but you are a distinct and discrete viewpoint within that totality, which seems, at this point, in your particular expression, as though you are a separate Being.
Understand, every aspect of Creation is a perfect reflection of that aspect of Creation. And there are not quality points assigned, perhaps you can say, colloquially speaking, in the eyes of God. No. Everything is equal within All-That Is or God, which we will call All-That-Is. All -That-Is already includes everything and leaves absolutely nothing out. Therefore, it is quite unlikely that you are the one extraneous creation.
Therefore, understand that no matter what you are exploring, no matter what you are being, that is always a 100% perfect reflection of that particular exploration, which is equal in the eyes of All-That-Is to all other explorations. Therefore, if you are not the person you wish to be, you are a perfect reflection of the person you do not wish to be. Flawless in its expression. And this is not simply semantics, for you can utilize this 100% one-to-one perfect reflection. We will discuss that in a moment.
Because you are already perfect, it is not a matter of achieving something you do not contain. It is a matter of choosing what it is you wish to be at any given moment. For being eternal, your one quality, before you start breaking yourself down and separating yourself out from All-That-Is, is simply Existence itself. Beingness.
You simply ARE. Period. The idea of purpose was, perhaps you can say, an afterthought.
You already ARE, and then the idea of purpose in a linear progression was actually, so to speak, created later. And that is, in and of itself, simply an expression, a point of view, purpose. The idea is that because you are always a perfect reflection, you can always look at how you are presenting yourself and how your life seems to present itself to you and learn about yourself directly.
For the idea is because your experience is a 100% perfect reflection of your attitude and consciousness, if there are things within your existence that you do not prefer, now you may understand that they reflect to you certain ideas that once you look at, you can change. At this juncture, I remind you, your reality is a result after that quality of existence itself that you have, of your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. And one leads to the next.
You have a belief, a particular perspective, a point of view, an approach. From that approach, from that belief, you generate emotions and they always directly correspond.
Therefore, another way of looking at this is that your emotions are a 100% perfect reflection of your strongest belief that you are expressing in the moment you feel that emotion.
Now, by extension, what I am saying is that you can use your emotions in any given situations. And we are assumptively talking about the non-preferred emotions to trace back to that belief, because it is a 100% perfect reflection of that belief. Through your beliefs and then generated emotions, you create patterns of thought, what you sometimes refer to as mentality or thinking. Ultimately, because you are physical beings in a physical world, you then ACT, you DO something. And it is the actions in and of themselves that physically midwife your reality into place.
So, though you have the expression, ‘thoughts are things’, in your experiential reality, they are not, until you act upon them. So, thoughts once acted upon are things, would perhaps replace that definition more accurately. So, therefore, your actions always are the bottom line, 100% perfect reflection of what you are exploring.
And because of this, if you are doing something that you do not prefer, you can use that 100% perfect reflection to trace back. If I'm acting this way, how am I thinking? And when I think this way, what am I feeling? And when I feel this way, what must any person believe in these circumstances to feel this way? This type of self-honesty, this type of personal dialogue, can allow you in any given situation to trace back to the belief that you are expressing in that moment. You can only change a belief once you own it.
Once you acknowledge that, like it or not, ‘yes, this is the belief that I am expressing’. Denial of the belief blocks your access toward changing it. Simple acknowledgement equalizes it to all other beliefs. Denial gives it more weight, gives you more of a tendency to draw your attention to it and therefore more of a tendency to choose that belief. But acknowledgement lightens it up, equalizes it to all other ideas.
For it is not truly that within the beingness that you express that you have one belief or the other. That is not accurate. You would not be All-That-Is and leave one belief out. You contain the potential for all beliefs, every belief and its complete opposite, obviously.
So it is not a matter of beliefs that you are forced to, in that sense, play out with no choice. You contain all beliefs and the ones that you express have this particular effect of generating emotions, corresponding emotions or feelings, thoughts and actions. And again, since it is ultimately the actions that create your reality, whenever you head yourself off from automatic negative actions, you automatically change the outcome and cannot get the quote-unquote same old negative outcome in a quote-unquote seemingly same old situation.
No situations are truly the same, but we understand your tendency to create cycles that you label repetitive. When you deny a belief, you put it back into what you very effectively create as your subconscious. And then it presents itself to you again. So that is why you often will have a seeming repetivity in your life. When you deny a belief, back into the closet, but it does not stay there. It knocks upon the door many times louder and more obnoxious.
But that is up to you. For when it knocks seemingly once again, if you are willing to acknowledge it, it does not go back into the closet. It equalizes to all your other beliefs. Then you can choose the belief that you prefer. Sound too easy? Perhaps it is.
But that is how you already create your reality. Automatically, effortlessly, and simply. So when you extrapolate in your imagination how a person or yourself or anything you wish to plug in to make this practical, but how a person, with the new preferred belief would act having acknowledged the old belief, you will come up with a criteria.
You will come up with how a person would act if they had the belief that you say you prefer. And when your imagination hands this forth to you on, as you say, a silver platter, you then have plan B. Now, whichever you act on, the actions of the old, perhaps sometimes automatic belief, or the actions of the new preferred belief in acknowledgement of the old belief will determine the reality you experience, as it always has.
You are not learning to do anything new in what we are sharing. We are simply making you aware of what you effortlessly and automatically do and speak about factoring in choice, desire, and preference. For you can create your life through choice, according to preference, through your desire.
As, again, perhaps an alternative for many of the ways that you now express yourself. So in terms of step one, the acknowledgement of the limiting belief, both your actions, your thoughts, and your emotions are a 100% perfect reflection of those beliefs. That is part one.
Understand also the following. As you change, as you transform, as you choose anew, perhaps now consciously, everything that has ever happened to you, everything that you have ever done, anyone in this life that you have ever been, was absolutely 100% necessary in order for you to be who you are right now. Therefore, there is nothing you have ever been that is any less a perfect reflection of that level of expressing yourself than what you are doing now.
And you need not, when you adopt a new point of view, now go around blatantly invalidating the old point of view, both in yourself and both in everyone else who expresses it in your presence. Now, obviously, this is an option, but that is, in a sense, a denial and an invalidation of the point of view you say you no longer have. And invalidating a belief is, perhaps you can say many times, a fancy word for denying it.
So therefore, you can appreciate anything that you have ever been, anything that you have ever done. I am not saying in any way, shape or form to condone the things that perhaps you have done that may feel like they are out of integrity. No. Condoning something means acting that way now. But you can validate them. You can state in the moment, that is what has led me to here. ‘I prefer not to express that ever again, but I understand the value’. That is validating and then choosing anew. So therefore, in validating or acknowledging the beliefs that you have, in order to change them, you can also validate and acknowledge the different approaches that you have taken, the different points of view that you have explored.
The idea is that once you are willing to validate yourself to that degree, it spills over to your interpersonal relationships with everyone else. Once you are unwilling to invalidate anything about yourself, once you simply choose no longer to invalidate yourself, you will automatically, generally fairly immediately, begin to not invalidate anyone else. For, as your own literature says, love others as you love yourself.
And what this truly means is that your ability to love others is in that sense determined by your willingness to love yourself. And your seeming inability to love others is directly, as well, proportional to your unwillingness to unconditionally love yourself. So, as you perceive not only the perfection of what you are now exploring, but the perfection of what you have been and are willing to begin to acknowledge the perfection in all others, whether or not you choose to express that reality, then you can be approaching a point of view that exists within All-That-Is, which is ultimate appreciation, which is the willingness to unconditionally love any expression.
What you read of as the judgmental God in your Bible is not, from our perspective, an accurate representation of all that is. It is a personification. It is making God in the image of man and woman. The idea is that God is 100% completely unconditional. You cannot lose the love of God no matter what you do. No strings attached.
And therefore, because this mechanism exists automatically in the universe, you can always use that as a model. As a template. You can always tap into it, the unconditional love of All- That-Is, because it is constant and eternal. And your willingness to even touch base with it, to even understand, ‘wait a minute, no matter how I am treating myself, all that is unconditionally loves me. If all that is unconditionally loves me, I can feel that at any moment. Perhaps I can use a booster shot of trust in myself and take a few breaths and feel it.’ It is continuous. And all it takes, all it takes, is simply the notion of reminding yourself.
If you will agree that All-That-Is, is unconditionally loving, all it then requires is in a situation, a reminder. And again, nothing is truly learned but remembered from your totality, from what you already are, from what you already know. As you begin to live your life according to preference, according to your excitement, but with integrity, and integrity is simply in all that you do, expressing the constant knowingness that everything is all connected.
Everything is an extension of you and that everything that seems external to you exists within you. That understanding has an attitude of respect. For you would not, I assume, chop off your limbs. So therefore, I assume you would afford everything that same respect. And that is what we mean by integrity. For if you factor in what moves you in any situation and with integrity act upon that opportunity, you can get nothing but service to self and others.
For the recognition and honoring of that integrity is the ultimate acknowledgement of the 100% perfection of reality. Therefore, it is all at your fingertips, as you say. It is all within your grasp.
You already create your life, but many times you create again an apparency of what you call a subconscious. And then function from beliefs you express from that closet. However, only do you do so after having had a particular feeling, thought, and action.
That is the only thing that creates effect. So therefore, at any time, you can simply stop. Again, perhaps colloquially, look before you leap, before you do, for it is the doing that creates in your life.
It always has, it always will. And therefore, the tone, the intent, and the nature of your approach in action is what has created your life the way it is. The state of your life is a perfect reflection back to those beliefs that you have acted upon and thereby is a mirror or a window to transforming or changing the beliefs you no longer prefer.
And this is what begins to set you apart at this transformational age upon your planet. The idea of factoring in preference and the understanding that everything that you have ever created has been done by making a particular choice in a particular situation and then acting upon that choice.
Now, when you begin to look at changing your reality according to preference, never do you act without giving yourself at least one positive choice. For when you lie a negative, outdated set of actions on the table to see next to a positive, preferred set of actions, it will never be difficult to choose the positive actions that would reflect who you choose and prefer to be. It is simply a matter of admitting or letting yourself in on how that alternative would express. Is this clear?
Are you all alive? Thank you. Some laughter.
Good sign. Therefore, I thank you for your willingness to share the expression of your perfection with me and members of my society and the respective societies that we in many ways represent. For we always, no matter what you believe about yourself, believe in you utterly and understand the mechanism that you are now beginning to look at with more discerning eyes.
And this is one of the reasons we are even able to communicate with you at this time. For you have reached a point, not any better of a point than any other point, but simply a point where you are now willing to acknowledge what I am talking about within you. And therefore, automatically, because the universe is a 100% perfect reflection, you draw and attract unto yourself a 100% perfect reflection of what can be of assistance to you, thereby allowing you to begin to express yourself in less limited terms.
So my ability to communicate with you and your ability to understand what I am saying lets you know this and tells you this in no uncertain terms. You are ready. Nothing is an accident.
Everything is perfect. For that gift, the gift of sharing your perfection and swimming within the collective perfection that we all express, I thank you. And I ask you how we may mutually be of service to each other.
At this timing, allow me to thank you all for the perfection that you've chosen to share with us this evening of your time.
We value and revel in your approach, in your perspective. We value and revel the relationship that we have developed over the many years that we have communicated with your society. We appreciate your willingness, when you are not always completely willing to be honest with yourselves, to be more than honest with us.
For this, in a sense, allows you to get the idea, allows you to understand that when you are honest with who yourself is, that it cannot destroy you, but it enforces, reinforces who you are, and allows you to choose, if it is something about yourself that you no longer wish to reflect, to change it. When you do, you will then be a perfect reflection of the new idea you are exploring. You are all perfect creations, no matter what.
We thank you and bid you a most fond and loving good evening and good life.
Elan Interactions
Jan 10, 2025
In Important Announcements!
Tonight we return from hiatus and continue releasing the Elan sessions with this previously unreleased full session, called, "Everybody's Perfect." Enjoy and share!
ELAN - 95 - Everybody's Perfect (previously unreleased full session)
Elan Interactions
Jan 01, 2025
In Important Announcements!
Happy New Year 2025 from the Elan Interactions team!
To welcome this New Year, we're featuring a highly topical message from a previous timeless Bashar-Elan blended session, as channeled by Andrew. Welcome to the Year of Integration!
You CHOSE to be here, at this time, in this life, in this body. The living on the cusp of 3rd to 4th density is a VERY unique phase of consciousness. You would not want to miss this, so ... dive in this year, 2025, the year of ... integration.
Music by Venusia
"Waking Dream"
Used with Permission
Happy New Year 2025! The Year of Integration. A Special Timeless Message.
Elan Interactions
Dec 30, 2024
In The Gallery
We had this idea that we wanted to make a 2025 calendar for ourselves, using select artwork from "Reflections of My Home World." Although beautiful, the illustrations in the book itself are rather small and so we loved the idea of larger versions of the Essassani artwork, a different one for each month. We made this in the Elan Interactions "E-Tees and Collectibles" Gift Shop, intending it to be a hidden one-off, for our own personal use.
When we saw the finished calendar, we realized that others might really like this too, so, we decided to release it. As with anything else in the shop, the proceeds will go to assisting us to continue to bring you 99% of the Elan material for free. Seems like a win-win.
If you would like a little Elan, each month in 2025, check it out:
Elan Interactions
Dec 29, 2024
In Elan Transcripts - Intros
57 - Predictions and Changes (Intro and Outro) - ELAN-BASHAR (previously unreleased)
All right, I'll say, how are you all this evening of your time as you create time to exist? Perfect, perfect. Is anybody there? Oh, thank you very much. We will begin this interaction with the entitlement, Predictions and Changes.
Allow us to begin with the following idea. Understand, though you do create the reality whereby you experience what you call time, timeline, you do in each and every moment exist, physically only ever exist in the now moment, in the here, in the now. Therefore, any notion of a past is a recreation of that past in the moment and not reliving per se that past by definition.
It is merely a recreation, a reconstruction of your perception of a perceived past in the moment. So therefore, it is a present time creation. This is also the case for what you label your perception of the future.
For the idea is you always exist in the now. And therefore, you can say there is no ONE future. There is no, THE future, that is etched in steel and unchangeable, unmalleable.
The idea is from every given now moment, there are an infinite probable amount of futures. So therefore, you have upon your planet the idea you label prediction. Understand from our perspective, and again, we only share with you our perspectives, that there is no such thing as a prediction of the future.
However, there is the idea within the idea of realities that contain a timeline of certain momentums of energy, certain patterns that seem, in that sense, to have a particular momentum behind them, and this can be sensed in any given now moment. What you label a ‘prediction of the future’ is indeed a sensing of the energy in the moment of a momentum, perhaps from the mass consciousness itself that seems most likely at that moment. And if many factors do not change because there is that momentum and it is most likely, then that particular of the infinitely available probable futures will be the one that you will experience.
However, your knowing of the prediction, your knowing of the sensing, expands your consciousness to the point where you can then decide both individually and collectively, whether or not you prefer to allow that momentum to play out. And indeed, if you do not, it is your option from your particular standpoint, to begin to take the actions so that you will not, particularly in as an individual, experience that idea. So again, to capsulize, the idea is the knowing of the prediction in and of itself, the mere knowledge of that momentum, the sensing of that momentum can be enough in and of itself to change that momentum, to affect that prediction.
There are many ideas within your society, from what you call a historical standpoint, of many predictions of what you sometimes label upcoming Earth changes. From our perspective, these predictions were rendered, sensed, again, historically speaking, at times when the parameters of the societies upon your planet, upon your world, were far different. There was, shall we say, far more oppression.
There was far more of the idea whereby individuals would feel trapped in particular realities. So therefore, there was a very accurate sensing during much of your historical history of the idea that particular changes would occur. However, the definition that those changes must occur, catastrophically, were, shall we say, a product of the time that those predictions were rendered.
For so rigid was the society, so rigid was the structure of the society, that the only way that individuals could make any sense out of understanding that there would be great change is by the idea of breaking up the old structure altogether. There was simply no way within the old structure to see any possibility for change. So it was therefore automatically assumed, shall we say, that the only way these changes in consciousness, these changes in society, these changes on a planetary level could occur, would be for a breaking up and a shaking down of the old structures.
Understand that now things have changed. Therefore, if you wish, you can still buy into this idea, but it is not necessary, and at least now that we have mentioned it, perhaps you can understand that you have a choice. The idea is very simple.
Great change there will be. For this is the time of transformation on your planet. However, from our perspective, that transformation is an expansion, and at the same time a unitization of individuals and the collective of your planet.
There is much talk of the idea of physical pole shifts, and the earth tilting on its axis, having many, shall we say, calamities then resulting from this idea, and allow us to say from our sensing, from our particular observations, that although there will be particular electromagnetic shifts, there will be no physical shifts, at least on the earth, that we are perceiving you are all on right now. But the idea is that individuals will experience the results of many of these shifts in vastly different ways. And what will determine your particular effect, experience of these changes, will be your consciousness, your orientation.
If in that sense you would expect the worst, you can create being, shall we say, involved in the worst of what in that sense will happen. But if you understand that changes need not be by trials, by fire, by breaking it up and can simply be a smooth transition, then you will attract yourself to the circumstances and, where applicable, the places whereby whatever changes occur will not affect you in a negative way. There may be the idea of the ability to perceive others being affected, but, shall we say, this occurs less and less as the mass begins to understand your role of your consciousness within these changes.
Therefore, you can understand that the transformation can be very smooth, very comfortable. And simply, if you will look at the topography of the political changes upon your planet right now, quite a bit is going on. And as we have also shared in your vernacular, many of the things that you simply never thought you would see in your lifetime are now beginning to occur.
You can, if you wish, focus in on what may seem to still be remnant negative aspects of these changes, or you can use these changes as evidence, if you decide you wish to be positively oriented, that you are getting an effect. You are beginning to see external reflections of your willingness to integrate internally yourself.
So, therefore, change is one of the only constants in reality. In that sense, you need not force change, for it is simply automatic. When you force something, in a sense, the result is having it seem to stay the same. So, there is no effort involved in the allowance of the natural order of things change, though there may be an effort in trying to maintain a particular reality, which again, understand your reality is fluid.
So, therefore, change will always occur. Change need not be perceived as negative.
One of the ideas that allows individuals to experience negative change is the idea of fear itself. For fear itself is saying that you believe that a reality that you do not prefer is most likely. Therefore, understand that in general, in your society, we have noticed a particular penchant. You fear, fear itself. And this is what paralyzes you. Not the original fear, but the fearing of being afraid itself. That puts you again in what you label limbo.
That paralyzes or can seem to paralyze you. Individuals who simply experience the fear and use it in order to trace back to what they must believe to be creating that fear can simply then proceed, as you say, through the fear and then allow themselves to perform whatever actions. But when you freeze up to the notion that you are simply afraid of the fear itself, you do not allow yourself to use that creation.
Understand your emotions as anything else are your creations. And they are, in a sense, truly neutral creations. You place a particular interpretation upon these emotions and the interpretation that you place determines the effect you get out. How this can be used in a positive way is to understand that all emotions arise from beliefs. So therefore, if you have a particular emotion that seems to be non-preferential or negative, it allows you to trace back to a non-preferential or negative belief by simply saying, well, this is a neutral emotion that to me feels quite negative. What must I believe to be creating it to have a negative effect? And when you trace back to that belief, you have one.
A belief right in your hand that you have that you do not prefer to have. As we have shared, the only way to change any beliefs is to first own that you even have them. So therefore, that is the beginning step. Using it ALL. So if you feel yourself fearing, first of all, allow yourself to feel it. Allow yourself to manifest it in its totality.
Then reflect. Reflect on what you believe within the circumstances you have created that enable you to create that fear and look at the belief. Do you wish to keep it or don't you? If you do not, you can choose a new belief.
Determine the corresponding actions you would have with a new belief and act that way. And that will immediately reverse the effect of the old belief. For it is the actions that you take, having the beliefs that you have that create in a physical universe, physical reality.
So therefore, if you act from a premise of fear, you get the effect of the fear. If you act from a premise of having utilized the fear to nail down a belief, change that belief, compare how you would have acted with the old belief to how you would act if you truly had the new belief, you will have a new set of actions that will enable you to move with the new belief. And this will allow the idea of change to consistently be perceived as positive.
Therefore, you can understand that great change there will be. But that change need not in any way, shape or form be experienced as catastrophic or cataclysmic. And the more individuals that get a hold of this idea, the more momentum will develop in the mass consciousness and the overall physical effect on the entire planet can be minimized literally down to nil.
Therefore, if in that sense you like these ideas, please feel free to share them. For the more, again, momentum by each individual that is added to the momentum of the mass consciousness, being that you are all within that mass consciousness, the easier it is for individuals who do not think that way to begin to change toward it for there is some momentum to grab onto to allow the seemingly easy facilitation of the new beliefs.
So therefore, again, you need not fear change. But if you do look at it, USE all your creations. You each create your own version of Earth anyway. And in that sense, you may understand that there are an infinite number of parallel Earths. So therefore, literally, there is not one Earth with one set of occurrences. There are many, many Earths with many overlapping set of occurrences. Many overlapping agreements.
You are each your own universe. But one of the aspects of this exploration is agreeing with other creators who are also each their own universe to create the idea of commonality. But this commonality is far less common than you might imagine.
You take it for granted that you are all, quote unquote, ‘seeing the same thing’. You are not. You are each creating your own version of it.
So therefore, in that sense, if you will begin to change your beliefs toward positive expectation for positive change and congregate enough other individuals around you who will do so, you will literally create a bubble, literally create a new Earth where those changes need not even occur at all. But from our perception, from our sensing of the bubble that we are within, we can at least share that it appears to us very unlikely that your Earth will tilt off its axis and you will go flying into space. Now, however, again, there are the idea of electromagnetic shifts, and these can have varying effects from almost nothing to weather changes and so forth.
As you look out at what you perceive to be your mass reality, you can understand now that whereby in your past, there pretty much seemed to be a preponderance of negative evidence about what was wrong with the world. A balancing is taking place and there are, shall we say, more available positive symbols to latch onto. This makes it a bit easier for you in that sense to begin to change your orientation.
But it will always be up to you. There will always be 100% evidence out there to prove the negative, and there will be 100% evidence out there to prove the positive. For the idea is that it is not this or that, negative or positive. Truly, in the overall sense, it is both. Which do you choose? And the idea is, because you have created a reality that contains the idea of negativity within it, as you expand in your consciousness, your awareness will expand to that much more of the positive. But at least at the beginning, because of the definition of your reality, you will also become equally aware of more negative.
But there is a far difference between being aware and experiencing it. So as you expand and become equally more aware of both, you can choose to only experience yourself personally, the positive. And therefore, your awareness of the negative will come in the form of other individuals seeming to, in that sense, endure hard times, as you say.
So therefore, just because something is to your awareness does not mean in this physical reality you need experience it.
 You can go in that sense to your library and read whatever book it is you wish. Happy, ecstatic, funny, joyful, sad, scary, bad. But it is the one that you check out that is your life. But this does not mean you cannot read the other books. So therefore, you can understand the distinction between awareness of an idea and choosing to participate with that idea. This gives you back a great amount of your power to choose to exercise your freedom of choice.
And again, as a reminder, you do exist only ever right here, right now, no matter where that here is, where that now is. It's always right here, right now.
What is of most assistance to you is to begin to utilize what is in those here and now moments and not confuse the issue by factoring in choices that you cannot act upon in the here and now moment.
So one thing that you may find a bit helpful is when you are in a moment and deciding what to do, if there is a choice that you cannot act on in that moment for the time being, toss it out the window. Do not confuse the issue.
By tossing what is not available out the window, you then begin to expand your vision to see what is there. And each moment being holographic, being connected to all other moments, always contains everything you need in order to proceed to be who you are in ecstasy, in joy, most fully. But if you are concentrating on the things you cannot do, you cannot see that idea.
You do not allow yourself to truly weigh what is right in front of your face. So therefore, when we say be here now, we mean it. And although that has become a catchphrase in your new age terminology, it is basically the crux of the matter.
For when you ground yourself into the moment, you begin to live from the moment. All the details, all of them take care of themselves. For everything in reality is interrelated.
But when you do not live in the moment, you cannot see that. And therefore, it becomes a bit confusing. When you do live in the moment, you allow yourself to see the interconnection. You allow yourself to see the synchronicity. You allow yourself to see the co-incidences, incidences co-occurring at the same time, which will always deliver via the path of least resistance, anything you say, you desire. Perhaps not always in the timing that you wish, but that is another, shall we say, issue, your trust in timing.
Therefore, we feel that this is understood enough for us to proceed to the interaction. If there are in that sense any questions or curiosities extrapolating on this material, please feel free to share. Also understand that we are not speaking your language.
We in that sense are telepathic beings. We send the intention of our thoughts, and they are translated through the mentality of whatever channel, in that sense, we are communicating through. This allows us, in that sense, again being telepathic, to not need to learn the language and still be able to communicate, as you say, most fully.
However, because there is not always a one-to-one interpretation of the ideas that we share because of the different orientations of our consciousness, from time to time, some ideas may not be clear to certain individuals. We simply request that if that is ever the case within these interactions, simply in that sense speak up and ask for clarification, for no one is served if they do not understand a particular idea, and from our perspective, there is simply no such thing as an interruption or a stupid question. Therefore, again, feel free to share on whatever level you wish and also understand, from our perspective, a statement from your part is just as much of a sharing, in fact, a bold representation with conviction of who you are.
And the interactions are just that, interactions. We learn, in that sense, you learn. We are all teachers and learners, and we appreciate many of the ideas that you share with us, for it expands our knowledge of just how many more ways God, or what we call All-That-Is expresses itself.
And we understand ourselves as all part of the One, All-That-Is. Therefore, we feel quite close to you, for, from our perspectives, you are extensions of us. From your perspective, we are extensions of you.
Therefore, for your willingness, in this sense, to extend yourself in this manner, we thank you and ask you now, how may we be of service to you?
At this timing, allow us to once again, once again reiterate the idea that predictions are simply sensings of the energy that are available. The knowing of a prediction can change the outcome of the prediction, because you are all involved, integrally involved, with the manifestation of any momentum.
Change is the only constant. Change is, shall we say, the only thing which is constant in all realities. Therefore, change there will be.
But your perception of the change, and your experience of the change, is far more up to you than you have been informed. Now that we have discussed this, perhaps you will entertain the notion that you can begin to use all your creations in a positive way, and experience the positive transformation of your planet at this time. We thank you for your willingness to interact with us.
We thank you for your willingness to consistently allow for the co-creations of these interactions over the last two years of your time. We again remind you that this is a new beginning. Congratulations.
You are at the next phase of interacting with our awareness. We bid you in this sense a most fond and loving good evening.
Elan Interactions
Dec 29, 2024
In Elan Transcripts - Intros
Transcript of Intro section of Soulmates
31 - Soulmates - BASHAR-ELAN (previously unreleased)
All right, I'll say, how are you all this evening of your time as you create time to exist? Thank you very much. We begin this interaction this evening of your time with the entitlement ‘Soulmates’. The idea being that in general within your society the idea of soulmates does in that sense, pertain to one-on-one relationships. And although in that sense we will cover that aspect of soulmates, allow us now to broaden, if you will, that definition a bit.
You may understand in that way that in that you create your own reality and in that sense create others who in that sense then co-create a reality with you that you do in that way have many soulmates. To be very specific in that way, in any given moment in which you are creating your reality, those that you do attract or draw into that immediate perception of your reality is for that given moment your soulmate.
For they are in that way contributing to your creation, co-creating your existence with you and again in that sense being a second-to-second soulmate. So there is that idea that anybody in that sense who you attract, whether you see them a lot or whether you see them simply one time, in that sense the one time you see them they are for that moment a soulmate sharing in that sense this reality with you in some way.
There is also in that way in that you do create your own reality as an individual, you do in general congregate others around you in that sense, in your vernacular language hang out with other individuals and that in a sense may be referred to loosely as a soul family.
These individuals in general, can be defined in that way as those individuals with which you have a, shall we say, higher affinity in that way, the individuals that tend to hang around, stick around in the course of your life, your parents, your best friends as you say, these people in general are members of a soul family. Now what this means is that as you are reincarnational beings, when in that sense a life ends, you then re-colloquially speaking incarnate to another life, so families have a tendency shall we say to stick together, to come together, life after life, very often transposing the relationships as we have called it dancing around each other in various ways, pirouetting around each other in various relationships being in that sense of service to each other in varying ways and this does have a tendency to change from lifetime to lifetime. There is, in that way sometimes the idea that individuals will create whereby their mate in the way that you define that term will be consistent from life to life but this is far more rare in that sense than you might imagine.
This does not, in any way make it less romantic a notion however and understand that when you do share those life in that particular relationship with those individuals that that is an expression of who you are at that timing and therefore an expression of part of your totality your wholeness as a higher self. But again in general this role or relationship will change and you will not usually, again there are exceptions (anything that you can imagine is in existence or you could not imagine it) but in general you will colloquially speaking take turns playing various parts so that you can explore different aspects of each other and impose within any given life that forgetfulness to allow you to play that part anew. For if you did not impose a forgetfulness upon yourself, the idea of discovering things as anew would not be possible, you would already know it all ‘oh there they come again from that other life’ and it would not be a new relationship but you very creatively used the tool of forgetfulness to allow you to discover one another over and over again.
This is a very, very, joyous re-union in that way and when you do re-member each other you are using that term in a slightly different way, literally re-membering, in other words you are members of the same soul family and upon recognizing that affinity you are re-membering yourself into shall we say an aggregate, a conglomerate a group of souls.
Again, a soul family there is. However the way you create your reality, exclusive relationships you do label ‘mates’ however, from our perspective there is some misunderstanding in the idea of what you label a soulmate and the function of a soulmate, for very often in your society what you would consider your soulmate to be, will be that person ‘who when I meet my life will be complete’.
All right, there is, in that sense nothing wrong with that idea. However it has a built-in paradox so although some of you may have heard this before, listen with new ears: the idea being and the paradox being that when you do assume that in order to be complete you must have another person in your life or for that matter anything external, again the idea being that you are not complete right now, since you can only experience a reality you are the vibration of, you can only attract individuals to yourselves who will reflect back to you that feeling of incompleteness.
Therefore if you can simply recognize you are already 100 percent complete at any given moment in your reality and then allow yourself from that perspective to attract what you will, because you are now that vibration of being 100 percent whole, you can only attract reflections of that idea.
So simply therefore, we suggest, whenever you do feel you need someone or for that matter something, simply recognize you already contain it all, so you may in fact desire it, you may in fact prefer it, but you do not need it to make you complete. You are already a 100 percent package coming along with all, in that sense, the tools, all the facilities and will attract all the individuals from what you label your immediate soul family and others who will, shall we say, drop in, and in that way by proceeding and acting as though you are already complete, which you are (even if you create the scenario that you are not), you are a whole being creating that scenario.
So if you would like, what you label, a satisfying relationship, a soul mate, allow them to share in that wholeness, share in that way in their wholeness; do not need each other to make each other complete. For again, that will always put you at the vibration of feeling incomplete and you will create whatever reflections in your reality to allow you to see that you are creating your reality feeling incomplete.
Now, this is all well and good for it always allows you in any given moment to decide you do not prefer it. There are many ways to decide in your reality what it is that you prefer. We suggest being a bit upfront about it although we do see the tendency in your society for individuals to determine their preference by giving themselves so many examples of that which they do not prefer. That way, they can by, Â the process of elimination finally get down to what they do, but that again is also an approach, a definition, which you do not have to empirically have.
So do realize you are right now 100 percent complete, whole beings. Act that way. You will see that those you attract will reflect that back to you but what you will also see is that those individuals with whom you are currently in contact with will seem to change. This is very easily from our perspective explained.
You all exist on many, many levels right now simultaneously. The way you create your own reality, you do impose, shall we say, the element that you are only experiencing this one and the others are not a part of you. However, they still are. It is still all simultaneous and all right now, not from your perspective of being within a time continuum however, and this is your exploration but you do have again, in any given moment, what it is you need.
When you are being a particular vibration, the individuals around and about you that you interact with can only interact with that corresponding level of their being. Therefore, again what you put out is what you get back but they also exist on many levels, so therefore when you change the level that you are willing to exist upon, when for instance in this situation will now consider yourself a 100 percent whole being, you will be then interacting with that level of them and that is why mechanically they seem to change because they already also as you do, exist on these levels. So therefore you are allowing yourself to interact with them on a new level and that seems in your outer reality that they have changed. They have NOT. YOU have, and that has given you the opportunity to interact with that more preferable portion of them.
So therefore as you will begin in any given moment to do what it is that excites you with integrity, to recognize that nothing is accidental, it is all your creation and it is but your willingness to see any creation for what it is bringing you rather than an interruption; if you will act on the opportunities that come your way recognizing that nothing is an accident, if you will glean for but a moment on top of all this that the present is not experientially a result of the past and therefore you can create the present you prefer right now, because right now is a new moment, a total recreation, you will then become a vibration of what we have labeled fourth density state of awareness, fourth dimension.
The idea is that you will exist right now on that level and you will see in other individuals where they also exist on that level now. From time to time, individuals choose not to outwardly recognize that they do exist on a particular level, those will be the individuals when not having that corresponding portion or level to your changing level, that will seem to disappear from your reality, for again you can only experience a reality you are the vibration of, so in that way, if individuals seem to disappear as you change, that is all well and good. You will not, in that sense, miss them, for they are not part of the exploration you are choosing.Â
So you will either, as you change yourself, in relationship to your soul mates, whether it be second by second part of your soul family or your soul mate, you will always, when changing yourself see the corresponding change in them, or you will go your own merry way. Everyone is always served and everything in that sense is always perfect if you will just allow yourself to see the perfection in it, if you will just allow yourself in any given situation to glean, rather than push it away and assume it doesn't belong there.
Therefore, loosely speaking, because I am interacting with your society on shall we say colloquially speaking some level, we are all part of the same soul family and in my joy for your allowance to co-create a reality with me, no matter how short or how long I ask you now, how may I be of service to you?
Elan Interactions
Dec 25, 2024
Elan Interactions
Dec 18, 2024
In The Elan Books
We are putting out a request for Amazon reviews of the Elan books. Positive reviews help to raise the visibility, awareness, and impact of books on Amazon.
If you feel inclined, we invite you to leave your review on Amazon, mentioning what you liked about the book and how it has provided useful, practical, and useable concepts to help to improve and transform your life and experience.
We thank those that have already left reviews. You are helping us to make a difference and your reflections help us with our missions to bring Elan's loveliness to the masses.
We know that there is a certain criteria that prevent some from leaving a review on Amazon. Do not fret if this applies to you, you can always leave a review here for our community if you are unable to post one on Amazon. Either way, we so appreciate all of you!
Much Love,
Elan Interactions
Elan Interactions
Dec 16, 2024
In Practical Application
Dear Elan Interactions Family,
As the Winter Solstice comes around again (and the summer for those in the Southern Hemisphere), there's an opportunity to journey within ourselves, to really practice all that we have so far learned from the sharings of the Essassani civilization.
At Elan Interactions, we will also take this opportunity to breathe and pause from the production and release of YouTube sessions over the next three weeks, resuming on Jan 10th.
To bring the sessions lovingly back out into the world, each week we listen through each session, digitalize and clean the audio of both channeler and participants, to ensure the highest sound quality through professional tools. This is then followed with preparing the visualizations through traditional 3D animation work as well as AI generated art work, where multiple rounds of iterations are often required. The transcription of the sessions are also made at this time, corrected and validated manually. Hours of work are put in to produce the final product that is then released each week, and we often complement the sessions with extracted insights for sharing in other social media platforms. When we can, we strive to answer questions that are posted in the Elan Interactions forum and other platforms.
We believe deeply in this project and find great excitement in ensuring that the majority of Elan's material is available in the public domain, for free. We know that this is part of a much larger vision, that contributes to humanity's re-awakening and ultimately, open contact and we are thus deeply committed to see this through into the next phase of Elan's return.
We leave you for now, with the last session, titled "Positive and Negative Synchronicity" and an invitation over the holidays, to collectively document all instances of positive synchronicity that has occurred in your lives. We have created this post in our forum specifically for this purpose, where you can share your experiences with one another. We believe that verbalizing and stating the positive synchronicities that happen in your life outwardly, is a strong statement to the Universe that results in a snowball effect: the more you do it, the more it will become apparent. The forum is a safe community for like-minded individuals to share these stories, and we therefore encourage you to check it out.
Share your positive synchronistic impressions below in the comments.
Furthermore, for the moments that you feel you are missing the weekly sessions, do take the opportunity at this time to check out the new book, which contains newly channeled material from 2024 available here:
Additionally, the next session to be released when we return is a previously unpublished session, called "Everybody's Perfect" that few have heard since it was first recorded.
We thank you deeply for your ongoing participation, and if it excites you to support us in exchange, here's our new link to safely contribute to our ongoing mission:
All contributions assist us to continue to bring you 99% of the Elan messages for free!
We trust everyone had an amazing, expansive and transformative 2024.
2025 is certainly going to be the most miraculous and exciting year yet. Happy holidays to all, and an Ecstatic New Year to you all, as well.
Many thanks and Much Love to all of you.
Ha 'Atu
The Elan Interactions Family
Elan Interactions
Dec 15, 2024
Elan Interactions
Dec 13, 2024
In Elan Transcripts - Intros
ELAN - 94 - Positive and Negative Synchronicity (Full Session)
Greetings this evening of your time as you create time. How are you? Oh, thank you very much.
Allow me to begin this interaction with the entitlement ‘Positive and Negative Synchronicity’.
All right. Oh, thank you. Allow me to begin with the following idea, which you may or may not have heard. Although you perceive yourself as distinct, single beings, separate from your surroundings and within a reality, we again remind you that this is a self-created apparency that perhaps you can say, in fact, the reality exists within you. And although there is the apparency of all these separate ideas, everything fundamentally, foundationally, is all one thing, many, many facets of one expression. Many, many aspects of one event. And by the immutable nature and fact that this is one unbroken, continuous, singular event, everything within that one event that you call your reality is interwoven, is, in that sense, enmeshed.
What you call coincidence is not accident or accidental, but it is all of the various incidences occurring at the same time. Same co-incidence, incidences, COINCIDENCE. Understand that because everything is all one expression, everything is related to everything else.
From your point of view, there may be varying degrees of significance to you of any particular meaning. However, from the overall point of view, everything is all one thing. And because the definition of synchronicity is that everything is all one thing, an interwoven expression, everything is synchronicity itself, everything, no matter what. Therefore, synchronicity, the interwovenness of all creation, is, in a sense, you may say, the rule, not the exception within it.
Now, your experience of this synchronicity, of everything as belonging, of everything as having a reason, of everything as reinforcing your point of view, will depend solely on your particular choice of interpretation. The only thing that you need do to realize positive synchronicity, which is a positive outcome, and perhaps an outcome you say you wish in that sense to experience, is very simply to allow yourself to be aware that everything is synchronicity. When you allow yourself access to this awareness, then you allow yourself a tool of realignment in any given moment. For if, in a moment, you say, ‘why is this happening to me?’ you are, in that sense, affirming that your reality is a series of broken events rather than one expression. And therefore, you get that effect. When you say, ‘why is this happening to me’ it continues to seem as though it is happening to you. But when you remind yourself that it is happening from you, it is you, and ask yourself how it is of service to you, you then take the synchronicity and, interpreting it in a positive way, giving yourself the opportunities that synchronicity brings. For in every given moment, there is a reason for absolutely everything within your perception, no exceptions, down to the dust on the leaf on the tree.
In terms of you needing to be consciously aware of each and every meaning, this is not always so. And this is what I mean by relative degree of significance. Things which may not seem to have a direct obvious meaning to you, do have a direct obvious meaning to someone else who is also creating, through synchronicity, the similar circumstance and the similar proximity to the event that you are beholding.
So very simply, this can be applied by first of all, in any situation, realizing that everything is synchronicity. Everything fits, everything has a reason, everything is there to be of service. And that again, one step, so to speak, will align you to the positive synchronicity in the situation.
Step two, very simply, is ACT that way. If you truly say, I understand that this is synchronicity, then look at what actions that you can take with integrity, because of the circumstance that the synchronicity has delivered to you. Take the very event that you may have before said, why is this happening to me?
And now understanding that it is happening from you, realize that there is something you can do, because that circumstance has showed up. There is some action that you can take that you would not have been able to take without that particular circumstance popping up. That is, in the same exact instance, giving you the opportunity to either get a negative effect with the negative interpretation or a positive effect from the positive interpretation and subsequent positive actions.
Therefore, everything is synchronicity. When you interpret that synchronicity through negative means, as though it is happening to you, your experience of that synchronicity will be negative synchronicity. And sometimes, perhaps you can say, one of the ways your society will define the perpetuation of negative synchronicity in your life is with the nomenclature you seem to refer to as bad luck, which there is no such thing as.
But when you accept synchronicity in that way, and in fact then imbue it as a momentum, imbue it also predicting that perhaps this is what you may continue to expect, you create that negative synchronicity. You create the synchronicity that already exists and experience it through negative terminology. However, you can always turn this around quite simply with a simple reminder that everything is synchronicity.
It is there for a reason. Now, when you look for the reason, either it will be immediately obvious, because you have given yourself the opportunity to look at it, or it may in that sense not be that obvious. That in and of itself tells you whether the meaning in that moment is relatively significant to you.
If you say, all right, this would seem like a bummer, and I understand it to be synchronicity, what is its positive meaning? What does it mean to me in a positive way? And that meaning comes along, then you needed to know the specific meaning.
But if it does not, that as well as an indication tells you in that moment that you need not know that specific reason, and perhaps it will become apparent later if you need to know it at all. But the point is, if there is not a meaning forthcoming in a given moment, you need not fixate upon obtaining one. You may understand that is the answer to the question, that the meaning, the specific meaning of that symbol is not at that moment important to you, or it will be completely obvious.
Is this clear? So therefore, you need not struggle with these meanings. They will either be completely apparent and then be of service through you through that apparency, or it will not be that apparent, but you can still align with the positive action to take in that moment, understanding that you know that it has a meaning.
Because you create yourself in linear terms, whereby you do unroll your knowingness rather than having it all at once, it seems as though you unroll it according to a timeline, according to the particular coincidences current in that moment. There are certain things which simply would not behoove you to know the meaning of, and knowing the meaning of it in that moment would actually be a distraction rather than an aid.
So allow that feedback to be completely obvious. Is there a meaning? Yes.
All right. Is there a meaning? No.
All right. No meaning? ‘I will keep my eye out in case a meaning pops up, but I will not fixate upon that meaning’, for that then locks you into a loop, where thereby you can create the apparency of negative synchronicity from fixating upon something and again assuming it to be extraneous.
Not knowing something is just as meaningful as knowing it. It is not, ‘if I know it, it is perfect. If I do not, I'm flubbing it up’. It's extraneous. No. Your reality is so obvious that if you do not need to know something, that will be completely obvious.
And this is not always well understood.
If again you feel, well, it is something I would wish to know the meaning of, then maintain as a clear intention, I intend to discover that meaning and move on. Move on, meaning, act in that moment from what is available. But to the degree that you are willing to begin to recognize synchronicity, you then begin to be able to marvel in the splendor of your creatorhood. For you literally do create it down to the sub-atomic particle and perhaps you can say even further. And the complexity through which you create is in fact again the splendor of the life you call your reality.
So therefore, nothing within that reality is extraneous. Everything has a reason, everything has a meaning and if you simply realign to that idea and act that way, everything that we have shared with you simply falls into place. Perhaps you can say in many ways that most of what we have ever shared with you boils down to, number one, everything is synchronicity and number two, act with integrity on the opportunities that synchronicity brings you.
Therefore, you can look at the many different interpretations that you have within your life in any given moment. If you are in that sense interpreting through fear, through anger, through jealousy, through hate, then you are interpreting your reality through negative synchronistic terms. If you interpret your reality through excitement, through joy, through unconditional love, through willingness in that sense to be of service and be served, you are then interpreting your reality through positive synchronous terms.
And this is the only change or shift in your perspective from your point of view that then allows you to experience one or the other. Now I remind you, negative does not mean bad and positive means good. That is one way to look at it, but they are very general terms and again from our perspective, negative is simply the energy of separation and positive is the energy of integration.
And in order to remain physical beings, you must maintain some degree of separation. So negative energy is part and parcel of what allows you to experience yourself as discrete and separate beings. So there is nothing wrong with negative and in fact you could only be experiencing the very reality you are creating right now through the use of that type and style of energy.
But what gives you negative or positive experience, negative or positive happenings in your life can in that sense be altered by your action. For you can in that sense perform separative actions, actions which do not in that sense take into consideration that everything is all one thing and then get the reinforcement of that idea, which you will call negative synchronicity. Or you can simply understand again the oneness, the positive idea.
And upon assigning the positive label and the positive interpretation, the positive orientation, you will then perform the positive actions. And again it is the actions that you perform that will determine what you get, the experience in your physical life. So you need not forsake the negative and you may find in your synchronous explorations that you will find many other individuals who are exploring negativity.
What will allow them to enjoy their explorations and you to enjoy yours is your willingness to validate without condoning through your own actions their negativity. They have the right, just as much as you have the right to experience and explore anything you wish, they have the right to explore negativity. And as you expand you will become more aware of both.
But if you allow the awareness of negativity to simply be through the experience of others and allow the awareness of positivity to be your direct experience, well why not? That certainly is an option and many of you are beginning in that sense to delve into this idea. Therefore you may understand that doing what excites you the most from what is available in any given moment and acting on that excitement with integrity is in one sense you may say the ultimate acknowledgement of positive synchronicity and the ultimate acknowledgement of your willingness to act on that synchronicity and nice touch, have a good time along the way.
For do understand that you do not have from this moment forward to continue to experience misery in your life. That also being an emotion is the result of a belief that you hold and your willingness to use your emotions, not deny them, not attempt to escape them which is impossible as you stand right now but use them to trace back the belief will allow you in that sense to transform that same belief and therefore the effect of that belief, the so-called misery. Now understand also that what you call misery, many times also, is simply the choice perhaps unconsciously but no less a choice of in that moment, negative interpretation, and you may experience what you call sadness or misery simply by in a given moment interpreting according to negative means, interpreting things through in that sense a negative perspective.
That belief that a negative thing can manifest in your life, can in that sense, in and of itself, bring along the feeling that you call misery. But your willingness to realign in a given moment, reassign that everything is synchronicity and perhaps this is not the one exception in the Universe, will allow you, in that moment to do something different. It is when in the similar situation you do the same thing that that similar situation has the same effect, or you have the same experience from it, but the moment you do one thing differently, even if you've already interpreted it negatively, you cannot, cannot, get the same effect. iIt is impossible.
It is not the interpretation that gives you the experiential effect in your life. The interpretation may give you the emotion, but what gives you the experience in your life is the perspective that you act from, is the perspective that you move or do from. So even if you initially, through perhaps old habits if you will, interpret something as negative, if you do not act in that moment, if you allow yourself to remind yourself, everything is synchronicity, again perhaps this is not the only exception, perhaps this is synchronicity too.. ‘initially I had assigned it a negative label and I can see how I was about to do something that would definitely yield a negative effect, however I am now, in reminding myself that this is also synchronicity, searching other options before I act.. what can I do that would be positive in my imagination, what would the preferred me do? Not the me who just negatively interpreted this and was then about to react from that negative interpretation but the preferred me who did not even interpret it that way to begin with,’.
Use your imagination along with the concept of synchronicity. Bring forth the referential preferential you, the preferred you in your imagination and hand the situation over, understanding that that preferred you, that new you so to speak is looking at it as synchronicity. Watch what that you does. Do that new thing rather than the quote-unquote old approach and you cannot help no matter what but get a positive result across the board. Simply there is no such thing as an accident, which is something that was not meant to be.
There may be the idea of having a particular intention and having that intention not quite play out the way that you would have perceived that it would and then you label it accidental but ultimately everything is co-incidence; incidents is occurring at the same time, interwoven and one thing has absolutely everything to do with everything else. Nothing is unrelated so therefore it is no accident in that way that you are here this evening of your time interacting with us in this way. It is no accident.
Whatever it is that you will do next when you leave this interaction, everything has a reason. Allow yourself to begin to be aware of the reasons where and when they present themselves and again if it is not completely obvious, do not create paralysis but continue to move, continue to move with excitement, continue to move with the knowledge that even though I do not know the meaning, I am reminded that this is synchronicity and therefore it is an opportunity, a blessing in disguise for your willingness in that sense to interact with us in this way and for your willingness to allow us to express to you what you already know. I thank you and ask you how I may be of service to you.
At this timing, allow me to thank you all for your synchronous ability to attract yourself to this interaction, for even if when interacting with us nothing is apparently of service to you, you will find that we do interact with you on what you create to be other levels and therefore the usefulness of what we communicate with you and the timing and dispensation of it, is an ongoing process and you may just find walking down your street, when a car comes by and splashes water all over your clothes, that you say ‘this is synchronicity! ah elan said that would happen’ and then you will take the positive action rather than kicking the car and hurting your foot.
Each time you kick that car, yes, you will hurt that foot. So perhaps that, is an example of performing the same action and getting a similar result.
We thank you for your willingness in that way to interact with us at this timing. We thank you for your willingness to open up the many doors within you that allow you to see that it is all one house, one house that you live within, one house that we live within, the house of All-That-Is. We thank you and bid you a most fond and loving good evening.
Elan Interactions
Dec 13, 2024
In Elan Quotes
You can make it a conscious decision, according to your desire and preference.
Excitement is the driving engine, integrity is the guard rail, synchronicity is the guiding principle.
Elan Interactions
Dec 08, 2024
In Important Announcements!
We wanted to share this with you all first.
We really love this. Our unconditional love to all.
The song,
"Solstice Love" by Venusia
Used with permission.
NOW Available in Paperback:
Elan Interactions
Dec 08, 2024
Elan Interactions
Dec 06, 2024
In Elan Transcripts - Intros
ELAN - 93 - Opening Up (Full Session)
All right, I'll say greetings this evening of your time as you create time. How are you? Oh, thank you very much.
We begin this interaction this evening of your time with the entitlement ‘Opening Up’. When beginning in that sense to take back your power, to decide how you wish to live your life and begin to express that life through preference with integrity, one of the things that is most helpful is, in that sense, letting go of preconceived notions and in that sense, loosening your grip, to produce rather than a forcing, an allowance, an opening up, an open posture.
When you begin in that sense to make such a decision to transform your life, obviously one of the notions that comes up is what do you wish in that sense to transform it to?
What are your preferences? What is representative of who you choose to be?
Therefore, the first, shall I say, step of opening up will begin by tuning in to in that sense, your preferences; to tuning into the energy that you produce on an emotional level which allows you to see in any given situation what is most you and what perhaps is no longer representative of who you choose to be.
Therefore, one of the representations of that vibration is what you refer to colloquially as your excitement. For your excitement is that vibratory representation, the energy, if you will, that tells you in any given situation that the thing that excites you the most in that moment is most you, is a representation of who you chose to be.
Now, when you open up, you can in that sense allow any factor to lead you, any factor to set the tone. Many individuals in that sense will choose to open up to fear and allow that fear, which is believing that a reality that you do not prefer is most likely to lead your life and that is certainly one possibility I need not tell you. However, you can begin now to tune into your excitement, which is in that sense a representation of your passion, a representation of THE thing in any given moment from what's available that is most representative of the thing that if you act on, will give you the result that will change your life according to preference.
So first of all, opening up takes the form of being cognizant of beginning to define the things that excite you for you truly deserve these things and it is now a matter of getting down to identifying them.
Very often your society will seem to talk you out of many of the things that have excited you perhaps as you were growing up, maybe saying ‘that's irresponsible, that's no way to make a living, everyone knows that you should grow up and not do that’, but understand that until you believe it, until you buy into what they say, everyone does not know anything. When you buy into it then yes, it seems like everyone knows this and that, but there is no ‘that's the way it is’.
There are in fact many ‘that's the way it is’ and you in that sense get to choose and the one that you choose, yes, will seem to present the evidence that that is the only way it is, but that is the nature of beliefs. Whatever you believe, every belief system has along with it a built-in self-sustaining, self-perpetuating system of logic and system of evidence, so truly by extension, believing is seeing, you will always see it and if you shift the belief and act according to the new belief, the evidence changes and since both realities have evidence, you may understand they are both true, the thing that you do not prefer is true and the thing that you do prefer is true and it is not a matter of deciding which is true, this or that, for that is a very narrow-minded approach.
It is more the understanding that THE truth is composed of all truths and all truths are true to those who believe them. They then again provide their own evidence which tells them it's the only way, but when you begin to see that someone else's truth is just as true, that gives you equal access to choose any truth that you prefer and by not buying into the notion that there is a truth and everything else is false, you allow yourself that many more options of things to choose from.
So therefore, all truths are fundamentally and foundationally true to the individuals exploring them and when you in that sense act according to a particular belief, the evidence is provided making it seem like that's the way it is and this works for all beliefs and all individuals across the board, as you say. So this is automatic.
Therefore, perhaps the second thing that will behoove you to open up to is the things you truly believe, for many of the things that you believe, you have chosen to believe. You have consciously chosen to match and create that belief in your life. But because you create the idea you call unconscious, many beliefs also will you have bought into quote-unquote ‘on faith’. Perhaps because that was what you were spoon-fed and perhaps because no one told you there was another option, so you just assumed that is the truth,’that is my belief’ and then by creating that belief got the evidence that that was the only way.
Paradoxically, you cannot change one single thing that you do believe till you first acknowledge that you believe it and this is particularly true of the beliefs which you have created or chosen unconsciously. Because you create the separation of them being unconscious, they are not at your disposal till you make them conscious, till you allow them to become conscious and till you allow yourself to become aware of them. Therefore, the beliefs that you have which are unconscious do present themselves to you, do come to the surface and if you are open to their messenger, if you open up to the messenger of your beliefs, you can allow them one by one to spring forth to your awareness from your subconscious mind. Well, ‘how do you do this’ you may ask? Good question, I'll tell you.
All beliefs result in something you call emotion and you are quite emotional beings but perhaps have not always been taught that these emotions are always, no exceptions, a result of a belief. So you do not just feel that way, well I just feel that way. Many times individuals upon your society will say but that is not quite accurate, perhaps you can fool yourself into thinking that but ultimately every emotion is the direct result of a belief, you feel that way because of something you believe.
Therefore, emotions themselves are a window to your beliefs and therefore a window to your liberation from unconscious beliefs that you no longer prefer. And simply when you feel an emotion that is from an un-preferred belief in general, by extension, conveniently it will be an un-preferred emotion.
Now this is where many of your society run and cower, ‘oh no, you mean I have to feel something bad’? Well the idea is this, if you are willing to feel your negative emotions rather than deny them and squelch them, yes you do have to feel them but only for a very short amount of time. For when you get down to feeling your emotions and allowing yourself to express them, then you are in the perfect mindset to ask yourself, not now hypothetically but while you are feeling it, ‘what must I believe right now in these circumstances to feel this way’. So opening up to your emotions is the allowance of those emotions again, particularly ones that you do not prefer, for they deliver on their wings the messages that are your beliefs.
So therefore, when you open up to your emotions, allow them through and then ask yourself what belief lies under them, then the quote-unquote ‘unconsciously bought into belief’ gets handed to you as you say on a silver platter. It becomes most obvious in that moment, that is why the emotion is created, to tell you, to allow you to see what you believe. And once again, once you acknowledge a belief and acknowledge that it is A truth and not the only truth, you then equalize it to all the other options which you now lay before you. When you deny that, when you say ‘well here I feel a negative emotion, what must I believe? I must believe this particular negative thing, oh I would never believe that, oh anyone who believes that is very bad, no way,’ you deny that emotion, you deny that belief and you tuck it back into the subconscious.
When you acknowledge in that sense, the belief, ‘well I would prefer not to believe this I would prefer no one did but obviously I do believe it’ you are now back in what you call the driver's seat. You now can change that belief but only because you have allowed yourself to acknowledge it. Acknowledgment liberates your unconscious beliefs, denial tucks them back in and by the way, they then come back knocking louder, for you cannot ultimately for very long, deny what is inside of yourself. It grows nastier, uglier, noisier and eventually will come in some unpreferred form that you will address it.
So your willingness to begin to dive into addressing your beliefs, again, in the form of negative emotions allows you to see an interesting thing that occurs. Once you are willing to feel the anger, feel the fear, feel whatever negative emotion that you create and again it hands you the belief, you generally get to a point now that you've dived into it where you simply go ‘well now what’, it is not that the emotion ever continues to grow and overbear you, only does it seem to do so when you deny it, or you deny its underlying belief, so in acknowledging, in calling forth a belief that an emotion represents, the hold of that emotion begins to loosen, for that is again why the emotion has been created by you.
And when you use your creations in a positive way they have no reason to hang around after that. They have played out their purpose. So your willingness to feel these negative emotions and trace them back to the belief actually allows you to end cycle on feeling them. Your willingness to say well ‘that couldn't be me, I’m beyond that’ again tucks it back in the form of denial and again you will get to look at it again some other time in a nastier form.
As you open up to your emotions, as you open up to your thoughts, for they often will be generated from such emotions and trace back to the belief, the last thing that is left to open up to, is what you call your actions, for your beliefs create emotions and thoughts and with that foundational prism you then act, you do something, you perform an action in your reality. That action will always be tainted if it is again a negative belief but somehow will reflect in either a blatant or subtle way the underlying belief, emotion and thought.
Never again do you act in a vacuum or do anything in a vacuum. There is always a foundation. So obviously if you have a negative belief, yielding a negative emotion, yielding a negative thought, the actions that you perform will have a negative foundation and cannot help but again blatantly or subtly come out as negative actions.
In a physical world which is where you choose to exist, actions are actually what create the reality physically, so therefore belief, emotion and thought are the foundation and action is the midwife that brings in that reality and you always again as you always feel what you believe, you always act according to what you truly believe.
So beginning to open up to your actions, ‘how am i acting in a particular circumstance’ again particularly when you are not acting according to your preference, can also be traced back to a belief. Now this is what liberates you from your unprepared belief,s opening up to them in the form of emotions, thoughts and actions, but where you transform them, having acknowledged them, is by opening up to the actions performed from the old negative beliefs, which is again what creates your life.
You may now, that you are equalizing the old unprepared belief by acknowledging it, call up the new preferred belief, and the new preferred belief, when you even state it with your eyes closed perhaps sitting still and quiet, you can begin to get a sense of how it feels, because again all beliefs yield an emotion even if you are only trying them on. So you can literally conjure up the feeling by simply stating the belief that you prefer, having acknowledged the old belief that you no longer do. When you state the new belief and begin to feel it, and projecting your imagination very clearly, how one with the new belief would act, if you open up to those actions which will be absolutely different obviously from the actions of the negative belief, you now have in front of you a mold, a model, choice A, negative actions according to the negative belief and choice B, positive actions according to the new preferred positive belief.
When you go through the process of allowing yourself rather than being automatic, to begin to assess this mechanism and lie side by side the actions of the unprepared belief to the actions of the new preferred belief. It is not shall I say, a great difficulty, in choosing the positive actions, for now that you have showed yourself that there is an alternative, now that you have seen that your actions were the result of an unprepared belief, now that you called forth the preferred belief, and again see in no uncertain terms that the actions of the preferred belief are different, it is not that difficult to choose the actions of the preferred belief because now that you have given yourself the advantage of acknowledging them as an option, they are far more representative the new actions according to the new beliefs of the you, you say, you prefer to be.
So going through this particular process if you wish to call it that, will always give you two sets or two courses of action. And again, one will be preferable to the other so it will be no big choice to make. And this is how you create your reality:  you believe, you feel, you think, you act, you're already doing this. Again the negative unprepared beliefs are yielding negative unprepared actions which are creating negative unprepared results. This is nothing you need master, you’re experts, believe me.
Therefore now, if you wish to master anything else, you can master performing, making yourself aware of first, and then performing, the new preferred actions, which again by extension can only yield at least a different result, in the same quote unquote ‘seeming same circumstance’.
So your opening up takes the form of becoming aware of what you already believe, feel, think and act and becoming aware of what you wish to believe, how that would feel, how one would think and act with that belief, providing options, providing alternatives, which again then are not difficult to choose.
Again, I remind you, this can be greatly simplified by simply in any given moment, allowing yourself to factor out things that are not available to act upon in that moment, pushing them aside, leaving them for later, and seeing what is right in front of you, in any given moment, what's right here, what's right here, what's right in front of my face, and choosing from those options the choice, the option that excites you the most that you can act upon with integrity. This will change the face of your life without the process and the opening up process will simply then be automatic; you will simply in the perfect timing have particular negative feelings, which will then be the perfect timing to trace them back to the beliefs, reassign new beliefs, reassign new actions, perform the new actions, and get the new reality. You are right there, right there, at the precipice of changing your reality and even being able to understand a single word that is translating through the channel allows you to know that you are capable of this.
Now lastly before we proceed to interact, openness, being open, is an advantage. What you call God, what we call All-That-Is, what sometimes will be referred to as the Universe or Infinite Creation, in that sense always provides to you what you truly feel you believe and deserve to have and therefore, a posture of openness, ultimate willing to be completely open, therefore results in the Universe withholding nothing from you. It is a point of power.
Many individuals in your society will equate that degree of openness to what you call in a negative sense, vulnerability, but understand vulnerability need not mean in any way shape or form, weakness. It can simply represent your willingness to be completely open to the Universe and again I remind you the Universe then withholds nothing from you. Only will that degree of openness be perceived as weakness if you believe that again something that you do not prefer can slip in there and get you.
And the bottom line is, you are the entire Universe, ultimately metaphysically speaking, you are the cause of causes. There is no outside and therefore there is no outside for something to sneak in from and get you. It is all within you.
You have the perception and one of the explorations of physical reality is that your soul is within your body, but from our perspective and our knowledge and understanding, this is completely reverse of the actual, shall I say, mechanism of Creation, for literally, literally, your body is within your consciousness not the other way around. Your body is but a point, a pinpoint, in that way of your Consciousness itself. So from that perspective, you truly create it all and from that perspective, anything that you perceive to be external, is still within you and therefore from your point of view, a reflection of something within you.
Therefore, you can use all the various reflections in your reality in a positive way. Some will align you in the aspect that you will agree with them and they will assist you in defining who you are by reinforcing who you are, but some of the external reflections will in that sense, allow you to define yourself through what you call opposites or by showing you an example of something that you absolutely are not and therefore, though you do not usually interpret it this way, is of service to you, by again aligning you to who you are with a dynamic tension in that case, by providing an example of who you are not, but however that allows for self-definition as well.
So no matter who you interact with and whatever you do, it is always of service to you, and it always assists you in defining and reinforcing your definition of who you are. Again, either by agreement or by complete antithesis but everything is of service to you. And again, since it is all within you, you may wish, you may just wish, to begin to approach it from that perspective, as reflections, as part of you, as gifts that are being offered to you. Again, sometimes ones which will support your viewpoint and others which will in a sense seem to run opposite to it but that again allows you to define yourself.
That is what you call anger, for anger is simply a momentary rush of alignment, when you in that sense interact with the reflection that is indicative in no uncertain terms of who you are not, and in that sense it is then of service to you. True anger only lasts 10 to 15 of your seconds. That feeling, that rush of alignment, again is of service to you, in your self-definition, beyond the 10 to 15 seconds.
In general, individuals in your society have been brought up with a tendency to spend then many successive minutes, perhaps you can say sometimes hours, days, weeks or years, invalidating and judging the thing which is not representative of who you are and that is why what you call anger seems in that sense, to last so long. But if you truly, in that sense count to 10, that is where that expression comes from, that will in general play out the amount of time by which you can realize that that rush of alignment has been of service to you and perhaps you can say, cut yourself off at the pass at invalidating the thing that is not representative of who you are, for just as denial, invalidating something that you do not prefer does not give it less weight, it gives it more weight by placing more attention upon it. Invalidating or judging a symbol, does not give it less weight in your life or less effect on you. It gives you more effect, more weight and you will never truly in that sense transform anything by continuing to judge it.
You can in that sense validate realities which you do not prefer without condoning them. In other words you can say, ‘All right that is not my exploration, a matter of fact it's nothing like my exploration, I would never do that, but obviously they have the right and reason to exist as well. They, although I can’t imagine what, are exploring something from some level, so I will allow them to explore that’ and that is the extent of the, shall I say, tone with which you then validate them with.
But again, you can validate something without condoning it. Allowing something to exist on its own and not interacting with it, is not condoning it, it is validating it. Where you condone an action is when you perform a similar action, so if you, in a sense find that someone is doing something that is not representative of who you are, and you are willing to validate it as a reality and then not do that thing for any reason, even if it's just to show them, then you are validating that point of view without condoning it. The moment you act that way, again, no matter what your rationale is, ‘well I'll show them how it feels so they'll never do that again’, the moment you show them you are being them, you are condoning that action. And you can begin now, through this realization, to simply validate all realities and only condone, only act according to the ones that are representative of who you are.
This form of opening up, particularly what we have just discussed, the latter portion, is the key to what you call peace upon your planet, for it is not the fact that you have many different ideologies in and of itself that creates warfare. It is the mutually exclusive element saying that ‘this is the way, the only way and no other ways have the right to exist’ that creates that friction, that creates that war. If there were only one way, there would only be one person, and in looking around obviously this is not so. Each person is a way, is a path. A path is not something you are on. A path is something you are and always shall be.
So therefore, beginning to validate the realities of others, beginning to validate the beliefs that you used to have or that you are finding no longer serve you, gives you equal access to all other realities. Validation is the key to equalization. Validating your beliefs that you no longer prefer and validating the realities of others that you no longer prefer without condoning them, these are the simple keys to beginning to embody inner peace. Beginning to embody peace of mind. Peace can only be achieved through the love of peace itself for peace from the perspective of hating war, is matching the vibration of hate and in fact by extension matching the vibration of war itself. So by loving that aspect, embodying that aspect, and providing through opening up to action, a living example of a person who is now willing to express their great power in this way, begins to allow you to be the initial examples upon your planet. Not to mention creates a life of ecstasy for you in the process, so I assume there is some attraction to what I am saying.
Our particular society functions in this way, and we in that sense, have complete inter-cooperation, in fact, to the point, where now we no longer have the need for what you colloquially refer to as privacy and our society expresses itself no longer through what you call language, but through tel-empathic connection, tel-empathic empathy, empathy which is vibrating as someone else so closely, matching their vibration so closely, that you begin to create similar thoughts, at the same time. That, is the mechanism that you call telepathy, but it is a form of empathy, and thus we rename it tel-empathy.
Our society functions in this way because again we are willing to look at the reality of others that do not correspond to our choices without invalidating them and simply going on about our way with the things that are representative of who we are. As you do this you attract other individuals who are now representative of the new belief and many times either your old friends will begin to seem to change as they too will be willing to match this or they will in a sense begin to disappear into the woodwork. As you redefine who you are, as you redefine your inner self, the outer reflection then changes to follow suit and always again is in this way, believing, seeing. It always has been, it always will be.
If one of the things that you believe is that seeing is believing, that is why you get that effect and that is one of the things you are taught upon and in your society. But the adverse is no less true. You are living examples of it, and as you change your beliefs and act according to the new preferred beliefs so will you too see what I am saying. Only you, can prove it to yourself. Only you, upon being so willing, can open up to who you are and express who you are throughout your life.
We wish now to thank you all for participating in this co-created interaction with us this evening of your time. It brings us great joy to function literally as ambassadors from our civilization and in allowing you on a ground roots level to act as ambassadors from your civilization as well, I thank you, express my unconditional love and appreciation, and ask you now, how I may be, of service to you.
When we speak of your planet being within a transformation, it is not something that will happen next week. It is something that occurred in approximately your 1987 year and the blatant geographic, political and economic evidence is all around you, since that year, an event in alignment, that was, in that sense, amplified by members of your society, sometimes you colloquially refer to it as the harmonic convergence, such then was the beginning, perhaps you can say of the integrative cycle in no uncertain terms.
Therefore now as a society, you are beginning to embrace ideas that heretofore were simply ridiculous. Godhood was something that was unobtainable, that was only relegated to others, but now you are understanding collectively, that you are each the Creators of your own reality, and as you begin to entertain this notion on any level, as you are opening up to this notion, you then attract the many reflections in your reality that will then allow you to bounce this idea around, that will then reinforce these notions because now you are perceiving, now is the precipice of the timing through which you can begin to create your life consciously without all that seeming momentum. You now again will not be running from the old reality, but in walking toward the new reality, simply render the old reality irrelevant. Not get rid of it, again there's nowhere to put it, but you render it irrelevant to the present focus, which is positivity.
Again, before we, in that sense depart, understand in no way shape or form, do we mean, when we say negative and positive, bad and good. Those are arbitrary terms. When we say negative, we mean separative, limiting. When we say positive, we mean integrative, bringing things back together. Those are the expressions within your reality; positive and negative, and it is not that positive is good and negative is bad, they are both completely equal, diametrically opposed explorations. The negative energy in being separative, actually is one of the energies that allows you to perceive yourself as distinct physical beings. So therefore while you are physical to some extent, that negative energy, again meaning the separative aspect will be present, to allow you to make the separation between yourself and someone else. So negative is not something to run from, but in walking toward and embracing positivity, integrative action, that negativity again no longer has a hold on you, no longer has an effect. It is simply a fascinating notation in someone else's reality.
You CAN live the life that you prefer. You are, in co-creating an interaction with me, opening up, in no uncertain terms. Whether you find yourself attracted to these ideas and you in that sense engage in them or whether you never want to have anything to do with me again, you have opened up to ideas which will be of service to you whether you use them or not. That is in a sense my only job; not to insist that what I am saying is true but to simply provide an alternative, allow you to make your own decisions and unconditionally love you no matter what. Therefore, if I am doing my job adequately, ultimately, I will put myself out of a job for there will be no other individuals looking anywhere outside of themselves. And then we will simply again share, perhaps physically at that point, as equals, face to face.
We thank you for your willingness to co-create this interaction. We thank you for your willingness to share the aspects of yourself that have heretofore remained in your own private domain. As you open up, you will realize that there is nothing within you that you need run or hide from, they are all ideas and it is not that one is true and another is not true, they are all truths and your masterhood, your choice, your preference, now factors into it. It is not ‘this OR that’. It is, ‘this AND that’, which do you choose? It's up to you, you're opening up. We thank you and bid you a most fond and loving good day.
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